Sunday, August 30, 2009

Do two dox equal a paradox?

As this old world spins.....
I saw a video of a view through the Hubble of galaxies galore....a million, billion universes stretching into infinity...

It’s a quiet Sunday, a chocolate oldfashioned donut ‘n coffee ‘n the rather pathetic Sunday Bee (I never really liked the Bee but it use’ta be a newspaper)...
I don’t know why we continue our subscription, (out of habit, I s’poze) as I pretty much get the news off the computer...’n I read the comix off the computer altho’ I must confess, they’re all printed in various ‘n sundry newspapers around the country....t’is a paradox....luv that word tho’ for the life of me, I can’t figure out what a single ‘dox would be....

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nyah, nyah, nyah.......

No thanks necessary......

In my ‘way back when’ time, you know when the country was young ‘n full of ‘piss ‘n vinegar’ and the europeans considered us to be a country full of bumpkins, back then we were a naive, undereducated bunch of backwoodsment who didn’t know that there was certain stuff that we couldn’t do....y’know, stuff like building railroads and highways and trains ‘n planes ‘n automobiles, back when we all thought that bigger was better so we all aspired to live high, wide ‘n handsome ‘n figgered that we were the envy of the world.
Little did we know that the world was thumbing it’s collective noses at us so when the Great War of the early twentieth century threatened to destroy all of europe, we jumped in ‘n saved their collective asses. And when the second great war erupted, why we did it again. And then we taxed U.S. citizens to pump monies into the destroyed european economies so that they could rebuild their superior nations.
So they could go back to thumbing their collective noses at us.
But they wanted our jeans ‘n our boots. And they wanted our movies ‘n our teevee shows. And Big Mac’s ‘n fries. And Coca-Cola ‘n American cigarettes. They loved our Rock ‘n Roll music ‘n they all wanted to come to Disneyland.
But we were a naive lot, so happy-go-lucky dumb that we didn’t know they were thumbing their noses at us.
And when the French lost Indo-Chine, we helped negotiate an honorable withdrawal.
And got ourselves mired in an unwinnable land war in southeast Asia. And the europeans thumbed their collective noses at us again.
And then we dreamed the really impossible dream, peace in the middle east. An area of the world rife with tribal hatreds going back to the birth of what should be mockingly called ‘Civilization’....
And europe thumbed their collective noses at us yet again.
But we’re a forgiving bunch, we Americans. Probably because we’re all a bunch of immigrants from every corner of the world and somehow we all seem to get along, prob'y becuz we're all a bunch of naive backwoodsmen who just don't know any better......
Oh, we don’t always get along peacefully. We quarrel ‘n pout, we huff ‘n puff, we air our dirty linen in public for all the world to see....but by and large, we’ve achieved in this country what the whole world really needs....we’ve become a nation of law where we sue our neighbors instead of killing them.
As the sage, Pogo, once stated, “We have met the enemy ‘n they is us.” And suicide just ain’t practical.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Something about Sarah.....

What is it about Sarah Palin that is so off-putting to liberal Dems....I mean, if anyone ever epitomized the average American woman, it’s Sarah Palin.
She’s a working mother like almost every other woman in this country. Contrary to what the media might have you believe, American women don’t have time to obsess over which trendy beauty spa to patronize or the latest fashion from Paris or Hollywood to emulate. Most of them are lucky if they can get to Supercuts every couple months and they buy their clothing at Target and Walmart.
And obsessive dieting....Nah! Maybe in their dreams but never in the real world where convenience and necessity take precedence.
And educated? Most American women are well and truly educated in the things that really matter. Like how to make the shrinking dollar stretch to fit the too long month. And how to make the car payment and the house payment and how to pay for the electricity and home heating and school pictures and all the rest of the ‘little’ stuff that our elite politicians don’t have to deal with because their time is too important.
I guess that Harvard educations are a good thing for people who aspire to tell other people how to live but in the real world, people who butt into other peoples business are apt to be told in no uncertain terms to “F### off!”
P’haps Sarah has been too long at the fair, too long in politics, or p’haps she has, like so many of us, mellowed with age ‘n learned to bite her tongue ‘n keep her own counsel.
Or it could be that old Irish thing that I learned at my momma’s knee, “Don’t get mad. Get even!”

The Emperor has no clothes.....

an old fairy tale seemingly come true.

Way back when Obama first exploded on the scene and the world became convinced overnight that he was the Messiah come to save American politics, there were a few voices that objected, saying “He has no experience.”
When Sarah Palin was chided by the left as having no experience, there were a few voices that stated, “Obama has less experience than Palin.”
When Obama swept into office on a messianic wave, he was idolized as few men have ever been and certainly no living politician, there were a few voices quietly stating, “He has no experience.”
And now, less than a year into his Presidency, more and more people have taken off their rose tinted spectacles and are beginning to admit that the little boy was right, to wit: “The Emperor has no clothes....”

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just around the corner......

“Prosperity is just around the corner...”
Herbert Hoover, 1932.....

I’m weary of hearing about the damn healthcare thing...all the fingerpointing, all the pros ‘n cons, I’m sick of it...’n I’m really tired of all the wimpy losers that think the government should support them because they’re too damn lazy to work ‘n too dumb to steal....I’m talking about that bunch of people that you can fool all the know the ones I mean.. the working poor, or the hardly working poor, or the never worked and never will work poor that spend their lives on welfare....the ones that get the ‘earned income credit’ at tax-time because they didn’t work enough to make enough money to pay taxes so the government gives them money that they take away from the worker bees. The old Robin Hood, ”Give us your vote ‘n we’ll take money away from the rich ‘n give it to you.” Except, they don’t really take money away from the rich. That’s not the way it works. The Queen Bee (the rich bees) never pays. The worker Bees pay. ‘N pay. ‘N pay. And as long as the percentage of the idle poor hovers around fifty percent, the Democrats will have enough willing pawns to keep them in power. Of course, that’s a tactic that the Republicans would dearly love to use or at least exploit. It’s called ‘Politics’ and it worked in ancient Rome ‘n the Irish made it work in old New York... ‘n in Chicago ‘n by God, it’s still working t’day....
I’ve heard it said that God must love the poor because He made so many of them ‘n I think it says somewhere in the Bible that “The poor will always be with us.”
In the ‘Ancient and Sacred Book of Hibernian Politics’ it reads, “The gullible will always be with us.”

And that’s enough rant for one night...I’m off to the Land ‘O Nod.......

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ever’ damn one of ‘em....
Replace them with real people who actually understand what it’s like to have too much month left over at the end of the money. And while we’re at it, change the salary structure. I’m told that the average wage in California is 45K annually. I can’t think of any reason that public servants should make three times the wage of an average citizen.
And while we’re on the subject, I really can’t think of any reason for ‘public servants’ that get termed out or lose their place at the public trough for other reasons should get token jobs that pay two to three times the average wage of an actual state worker....
Of course, we’ve been told so long that “we have to pay more in order to get the best people for the job”.....
that’s been the excuse for hiring knuckleheads to run the state franchises called, funny enough, Public, State my my....I can just imagine the founding fathers envisioning state sponsored fiefdoms, coffers overflowing with taxpayers monies (Oh wait, I forgot...they didn’t have taxpayer monies)......didn’t they fight a war in protest of unfair taxation? Wasn’t this country born in protest of unfair taxation? Didn’t they have tea parties and town hall meetings where they demonstrated against the ruling authority? I believe they had underground printing presses churning out seditious pamphlets calling for the violent overthrow of the recognized government......ah well, t’was a different age....
John Hancock signed with a flourish and in letters large enough for King George to read without his spectacles a declaration of independence while Rahm Emmanuel collects a White House enemies list (a direct violation of the law) from the archived e-mails of cowardly institutions like AARP which has devolved from a forum speaking for the elderly to become a new-age insurance entity eager to leap into bed with the government....
“Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

‘n so to bed, t’sleep, perchance t’dream.....”

Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh, dat lucky ol sun.......

I think maybe Obama’s kind’a like the rooster that thinks his crowing makes the sun come up in the morning.....‘n boy o boy, Governor Patterson in New York has got the Obama mojo working the way it’s s’pozed to.....He just gave the non-working poor (voters all) $200 per child to spend any way they want to.....OSTENSIBLY money supposed t’be spent on school supplies but there is no hindrance, at least no State sponsored hindrance on how the money is spent....sooo...evidently in New York State, there has been a run on teevee’s, video games, beer ‘n licquor, etc......ah well, that poor ignorant deprived underclass just doesn’t understand the importance of designer jeans, the 'right' sneakers 'n backpacks, etc....
What amazes me most, I think, is that all the educated elite Liberals have studied the ‘bread ‘n circuses’ of ancient Rome (of course they have) but they must evidently view themselves as the chosen ones who will lead the mob.....the leaders who will have the perks of leadership, ie; the limos, the penthouses, the country homes, unlimited and free medical care for life....the ones that Orwell referred to ‘as some animals more equal than others’......
Well, quoting Steve Martin, “Excuuussseee Meeee..”... See, I was born during the Great Depression of the twentieth century ‘n hopefully I’ll live to see the end of this first depression of the twenty-first century ‘n I grew up with the concept (drilled into me by my parents ‘n grandparents ‘n almost ever’ other adult I knew) that if you wanted anything in this world, you had to work for it. And that famously included food, shelter, education and, yes, medical care.
Eastern Kentucky where I grew up is a hard-scrabble kind of place with more than its fair share of poor people. But in a land where the necessities of life came hard, there was an abundance of faith, hope and charity.
And the greatest of these is charity. People who have little always give more of what they have than wealthy people.
This country doesn’t need ‘free’ medical care for its citizenry. No country needs that. And besides, it ain’t free. We don’t need to overhaul our healthcare system. We need to overhaul our welfare system.
There is dignity in work and people need to work. First, they need to work for the basics. And when that is satisfied, when they have achieved responsibility for their own lives, that’s when other goals come into play. That’ll be the time to work for what is essentially the ‘toys’ that we seem to admire so much.

Okay! Maybe that’s enuff ranting for one nite....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

If it ain't broke.....

"I will take my death into my own hands. The State has no business giving me the authority to die - or the authority to live. Matthew Parris"

“class struggle is a central element in the analysis of social change.....”

"Change we can believe in....." Candidate Barack Obama

Social the poor a leg up...collective Democracy where the untaxed poor are invited to raise the taxes on the greedy rich folk....Robin Hood stealing from the rich to feed the poor, minus of course, his operating expenses....
Karl Marx was a profound thinker who won legions of supporters around the world but his predictions have not withstood the test of time.
His adherents fomented the bloody revolution that toppled the Tsars of Russia and fired the imagination of the world. Utopian dreamers everywhere responded to the drumbeat of social change and predicted a world-wide change where the capitalistic bourgeois would be ground under the triumphant feet of the proletariat ushering in a world wherein "From each according to ability, to each according to his needs" would be the norm. Social change, the future of the world.
During the first half of the twentieth century, Marxism had taken firm roots but in the second half, the Marxist dream collapsed. The people of Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania and the USSR rejected Marxism and entered the ongoing transition toward private property rights and market-exchange system; ie, capitalism or as we call it in the USA, Republican Democracy.
Countries that have had socialism forced upon them (not the most advanced capitalist countries) the poor, so-called Third World countries condemned the masses to systemic poverty and political dictatorship.
Ah well, some dreams die hard.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sowing the wind......

Sometimes I just can't sleep 'n I play Solitaire 'n other stuff 'til I get sleepy.....'n sometimes I write stuff that come the morrow even I will not understand....'n sometimes I go into my own archives 'n read again the nonsense that I find there....I find that I'm a little upset with the direction that President Obama seems t'be taking us 'n I'm so irritated by the mainstream media that I can't hardly stand it....part of what irks me is I have a neighbor who doesn't have cable or satellite 'n only watched 'free' teevee which means that he gets his news solely from one of the major networks 'n he gets a totally different view of what's going on in this country.....he thinks that far-right zealots are blaming Obama unfairly, that American healthcare is broken (it ain't) 'n that we should all give Obama a chance.....I consider myself t'be a moderate conservative 'n I thought we should give Obama a chance, but after half a year into his first term, Obama seems to be slipping badly....I think he misjudged what he considered to be a mandate from the American people and if he ain't careful, he just might end up being judged a worse President than Jimmy Carter.....I was a McCain supporter 'n I don't give a damn what anybody thinks about Sarah Palin...McCain/Palin lost the election mostly, I believe, because the Republican Party was in such disarray after Bush/Cheny that no Republican had much of a chance to win....Still, McCain/Palin received almost half of the votes.....not enough to win but certainly enough so that the Democrats should have taken notice of the divide and governed accordingly....They did not. It appears that Obama may well have 'sown the wind 'n thus must reap the whirlwind.....
The following is a pre-election speech from John McCain that stuck in my mind.

"We cannot again leave our problems for another unluckier generation of Americans to fix after they have become even harder to solve. I'm not interested in partisanship that serves no other purpose than to gain a temporary advantage over our opponents. This mindless, paralyzing rancor must come to an end. We belong to different parties, not different countries. We are rivals for the same power. But we are also compatriots. We are fellow Americans, and that shared distinction means more to me than any other association. I intend to prove myself worthy of the office; of our country; and of your respect. I won't judge myself by how many elections I've won. I won't spend one hour of my presidency worrying more about my re-election than keeping my promises to the American people. There is a time to campaign, and a time to govern. If I'm elected president, the era of the permanent campaign will end. The era of problem solving will begin. I promise you, from the day I am sworn into office until the last hour of my presidency, I will work with anyone, of either party, to make this country safe, prosperous and proud. And I won't care who gets the credit." John McCain

“Truth is mighty and will prevail. There is nothing the matter with this except it ain’t so.” Mark Twain

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Great Beer Summit......

Y’just gotta wonder about some stories that seem like they'll never go away.....’course,we never would'a had a beer summit 'n it wouldn't have been a story if Obama hadn’t tripped over his silver tongue in defense of his racist friend......Professor Gates has had a long ‘n storied career decrying racism in America.....(as had Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etcetera) ‘n if, as many in the world thought, the election of Barack Obama was indicative that our long divisive nightmare was nearing an end, why that would put finito to the careers of the professional race-baiters.....I mean, once a horse is dead, it don’t matter how much you beat it, it ain’t gonna go no more....and the truth of the matter is that America has always been a melting-pot ‘n no matter how hard folks may strive to keep whatever they view their heritage t’be, it ain’t gonna happen. We are a blend of cultures. We have always been a blend of cultures from the very beginnings of this nation. The europeans that came here didn’t kill off all the aboriginals that lived here (tho’ truth be told, they tried, they tried)....This is a large country ‘n human nature being what it is, humans did what some think they do best....they procreated with one another without regard to creed or color....’n we’re still doing it t’day....’n we’re going to keep on doing it ‘til we’re such a mixture of colors ‘n creeds that we’ll have to find some other reason to hate each other.....not quite sure how profiling is gonna work then but we are an inventive species ‘n my guess is that we’ll work something out.....

Now y'see it, now y'don't......

Another ‘Big Lie’ that we’ve all heard too many times.... that our health care system is ‘broken’ and needs t’be replaced immediately if not sooner at an untold cost....
multi-trillions of dollars (c’n anyone actually imagine a trillion dollars, let alone multi-trillions).....It’s a lie! Our health care system ain’t broke....maybe a little bent...
well, in some cases really, really bent....but that ain’t no reason to scrap a working operation....AND the Obama administration knows this....they know that the system ain’t broke and that it’s impossible to scrap it and begin it’s a lie......The question is.....why the Big Lie.....
well, a cursory look at the short history of the Obama Miracle will show that the Big Lie has been a favorite tactic since the very beginning......make a lot of noise, scare a lot of people ‘n they won’t notice what trick you’re actually performing......c’mon, it’s called ‘sleight of hand’ and it’s a staple in every magic act that has ever been......draw the audience attention to the right hand ‘n they’ll never notice that you’re picking their pockets with your left hand...... (the pea is never under any of the cups, but you knew that, right?).....
On that proverbial other side, health care does need a serious reformation and government could do’s that could’a, should’a, would’a thing.....They could have done it long ago, they should have done it long ago, and they would have done it long ago.....except government lacked the proper incentive...we the people vote ‘em in and the special interests make sure they stay in long enough to get their bellies full gorging at the public trough.....or as George Orwell phrased it in 1984, “some animals are more equal than others.”