Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ah the simple life......

I've been reading about Roman Polanski....all the famous people that think he should skate 'cuz it was so long ago 'n besides the girl he raped has forgiven him 'n in most of the world thirteen year old girls are perfectly legal sexual toys....'course, most of the world views the 'decadent west' as morally backasswards....on that proverbial other hand however, Polanski (with evidently the concurrence of the girls mother) pled guilty to sodomizing a thirteen year old child anally and orally....'n then he paid them off but the amount he paid had to remain secret...I wonder what the going price for sodomizing a child was anyway....
'course, there are people who think he should go to jail f'rever....not so much for what he did to the child but for thumbing his nose at American authorities...
I wonder if all those famous people would come to his defense if he was a simple Catholic priest.....uh, prob'ly not....he should'a had that Oklahoma judge that O'Reilly 'n Geraldo went after (and got)....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Idles tho'ts.......

“When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains,
And go to your Gawd like a soldier.”
R. Kipling

Afghanistan is a hard country firmly rooted in the past...well, the past to much of the world but obviously the here ‘n now to the Afghani’s....People been trying to conquer Afghanistan for thousands of years, even before Alexander who durn near got himself killed while he was there.......’n it don’t seem to matter how strong your army is or how long you stay, in the end Afghanistan wins out....not so much the Afghan people, y’understand...
like people everywhere, they live ‘n die ‘n get on with their lives as best as they can regardless of what goes on around them......well, I’m just saying that it ain’t gonna matter too much to the Afghani’s what we Americans do...anymore than it mattered what the Russians before us did...’n the Brits ‘n Alexander ‘n all the other warriors of the world.....
Y’know, too much thinking, like most things, if done to excess is bad for your health....I was talking with my buddy, Doug, t’other day (he’s a great believer in the Democratic way of doing things ‘n thinks that sharing the wealth is a good thing but he ain’t a socialist, nosirreebob!.) Anyways, he was talking about Iran ‘n the possibility of going to war over their hidden nuclear efforts ‘n how all the information was that Iran was building THE BOMB!.....I pointed out that when Prez Bush said that all the intelligence agencies said that Iraq had WMD ‘n wasn’t afraid to use ‘em that he claimed that Bush ‘n Cheney lied just to get us into a war so that Little George could show his old man how to really win a war ‘n besides it was all about the oil ‘cuz ever’one knew that Bush/Cheney were oil men ‘n wanted to go to war to make all their friends richer....or words to that effect.....ah well, the wheel turns as the ubiquitous ‘they’ say.....or is it, the worm turns.....I dunno or I forget but then I’m three years older’n dirt......

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Faith 'n the question of faith....

“Science is the only true God!” Or so say the enlightened progressives among us. Of course, that belief requires a certain ‘leap of faith’ which science then must share with all the other religions and, as it is the leap of faith that makes most religions suspect, it must also be applied to science.
S’funny how scientific fact is applied so readily as substantiation for that which we assume we know when, in point of fact, we not only know so very little, the passage of time exposes new and unknown facets that then require us to adjust the facts so as to fit our assumptions.
So very much like the old parable of the blind men and the elephant.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Universal health care.....

Okay! Here’s the deal. One of the things we were s’pozed to have learnt in grade school: Keep your eyes on the prize. You c’n run as hard ‘n fast as y’can but if you wander offtrack, you’ll never win any races....
We already have universal health care. Uninsured people get treated and they don’t pay for it. Hospitals are required by law to treat everyone whether or not they can pay.
The problem is not that the uninsured don’t get treated; the problem is how it’s paid for.
And right now, everybody who has insurance pays for the uninsured in higher premiums and higher prices for drugs, treatment and hospital stays.
And guess what? If an uninsured person doesn’t receive treatment, a hungry trial lawyer will file a lawsuit on their behalf and the jury will force an insurance company to pay not only for the treatment but the lawyers fees.
Which results in higher medical costs for everybody who pays for insurance.
Round Robin is just one of the names for this operation. Insanity should be another.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm ag'in it.....

So, I was talking with my friend, Big Andy or, as I like to call him these days, Cap’n Hook which he wears where his right hand use’ta be....’n I said I agreed with George Will that we should cut a chogie from Afghanistan ‘cause there was no way that we were gonna come out ahead in that country ‘n Andy jumped up ‘n said, “you were for the Iraq war when Bush was President ‘n now you’re against Afghanistan ‘cause Obama’s President...”
When I politely demurred, he reminded me that I had argued vehemently for our involvement in Iraq....so I explained:
I was ag’in it afore I was for it, ‘n then I was for it for awhile afore I changed my mind ‘n was ag’in it ag’in.....but that was then ‘n this’s now...
Now we’re in Afghanistan ‘n I’m ag’in it same as I was ag’in Vietnam which don’t mean that I didn’t root for our side...what the heck, we won ev’ry battle we were in over there, sort’a like during our own revolution when England won just about ev’ry battle but lost the war....which is pretty much what we did in ‘Nam. I pointed out to Cap’n Hook that ‘Nam was a bi-partisan effort that started out under a Republican administration, escalated under a Democrat administration ‘n finally floundered under a Republican administration. ‘N now it appears that we’re on the same kind of course...
General McArthur warned ‘Ol I like Ike’ about getting into a land war in southeast Asia but Presidents don’t have to take advice from people they don’t like ‘n after all, the USA was the biggest, baddest bullyboy in the whole world ‘n it didn’t matter that the Vietnamese had just kicked the butt of the French Foreign Legion, the US of A would show ‘em...
Anyways, it’s my belief (‘n I’m about as nobody as y’can get) I think that Afghanistan is like a high-desert southeast Asia in the respect that it’s impossible to mount a concerted attack ag’in people that ain’t there...Afghanistan, like Vietnam, is an internecine conflict (civil war) among multiple tribes that have been struggling for supremacy for several thousand years and they didn’t listen to the Brits or the Russians ‘n they ain’t gonna listen to us.
Best we park ourselves outside ‘n watch what happens ‘n deal with whatver results as best we can. After all, it ain’t our country.