Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The North wind doth begin to blow......

There’s a cool breeze out’a the north this morning ‘n I’d much rather be asleep but the village chickens are questioning where the sun is hiding ‘n it ain’t long after they begin that Willie decides that it’s time for him to go out ‘n he gets real insistent about it.....
I was thinking that it’s getting on close to the fall time change...Spring forward ‘n Fall back, y’know....They started this nonsense ‘way back in WWII to ‘conserve’ daylight...(another example of man plans ‘n God laughs)...Now that I c’n sleep in, I don’t mind the late mornings....in fact, I quite like them ‘n the twilight hours of eventide are pleasant also but the rest of the world never did do things just to please me so I guess I’d just better enjoy whatever the world brings t’my door.....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Slippery slopes ‘n pissing inta t’wind.....

Johnny King, bless his heart wherev’r he may be, was a friend o’ mine back in the day who was possibly the most accident-prone guy I knew...’n strapping a single-action revolver onto his hip for a little fast draw action prob’ly wasn’t the smartest thing t’ do.
Fortunately, the bullet passed thru his knee without shattering the kneecap...
They use’ta say that stupid went all the way to the bone ‘n to this day I wonder how most of us managed to survive....it sure wudn’t cuz we were a brainy lot....what with fast cars, crooked roads ‘n the drug of choice for country boys (moonshine likker ‘n 7 percent beer) ‘n the economy being in the tank (t’day ain’t all that unusual) which gave us all ‘way too much time to find nuthin’ t’do while under the influence of youth ‘n stupidity, I am suprised by how many of us made it into our dotage....
All this brought on because Millyrose confessed to a dread that she was worried about the country ‘n where we might be headed....’n according to our president, a number of his spokespeople, the national pundits ‘n that cursed Faux News...we’re headed down a slippery slope....reminds me of that toast uttered by many a country boy as he popped a top on a can of brew....”Up to the lips, over the gums, look out stomach, here she comes”...
I don’t profess t’know where the world is headed.....politicians come ‘n go, wealth disappears in the blink of an eye or the turn of a card...mothers cry for their children ‘n people pray for guidance...the old Chief said, “Water flows ‘n the grasses grow ‘n the sun comes up in the morning whether you want it to or not.”
Heck! I’m just along for the ride anyways but I believe in tomorrow...I think ‘most everyone does..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just flip the damn coin.....

It ain’t a personal thing, y’understand...I don’t personally dislike Obama, I just didn’t want him for President. I tho’t he was too young, too inexperienced and ‘way too Chicago t’be President of the ‘hull damn country...on the other hand, he won.
Which he ‘n his posse are ‘way too fond of saying.....I tho’t he’s a smart guy, he’s just a lot more political than he pretends ‘n the job tends t’make the man more than the man makes the job....I tho’t that one of the best things that would come out of his presidency would be a lessening of the racial divide that has been a curse on the USA for far too long....evidently I was wrong for the racial divide, rather than easing seems to have grown ever wider with even more confrontations...
it may be, just possibly, that more confrontations is exactly what we need to finally see once and for all that ‘the Colonel’s lady ‘n Rosie O’Grady are sisters under the skin’....
There is after all is said ‘n done, only one race of humanity.....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Big River.....

I used to sit ‘n daydream a lot back in my way back when time....I did a lot of it staring at the Ohio River....the River was a big deal in my life back then....well, I think it was a big deal in the lives of most of the people I knew back then....It was a ‘BIG’ River, prob’ly a half-mile wide tho’ ever’body use’ta say it was a mile wide ‘n something of a rite of passage for the boys of the village....well, swimming across it was a big deal anyway...’n mostly it was a challenge for thirteen year olds....at least, it was for me ‘n I was thirteen when I swam it....the problem came when I realized that if I tried to swim back, I would prob’ly drown...I walked upriver, searching for a log or piece of driftwood that I could hang on to kick my way back but I didn’t find one that I thought was good enuff....I walked all the way to the U.S. Grant bridge which was pretty near a mile upriver from where I had landed....I was a skinny thirteen year old in a bathing suit on the wrong side of a big river. The U.S. Grant bridge was a toll bridge....a quarter for a vehicle, a nickel for a pedestrian and I didn’t have a nickel...Heck! I didn’t even have a pocket. I had all sorts of plans for evading the toll but I don’t remember any of them now. I think I just begged my way past the toll station but the mem’ry of that is lost in time....I did, however, get back to Kentucky ‘n walked the mile down the narrow blacktop t’get back home.
I recall it was a while before I ever swam the Ohio River again but swim it I did ‘n that time I swam back as well. I only swam it the two times but that was enuff.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The circles that you find......

I got a look at infinity t'other dayi....not that I really understand it, of course...it's just that I'm getting older 'n I'm realizing that I don't understand much at all, that I haven't understood much of anything throughout my whole life....I tho't I did, of course...after all, like most Americans, I've been to school. I knew my ABC's 'n that 1 + 1 =2 before I ever got started in our public education system but I learned lots of things in school.....I learned facts....or what I was told was facts...what most people believe are facts..
I learned facts 'n figures 'n dates....I learned a history that had been constructed by people not much different from me who had been taught the same kind of facts 'n figures 'n dates from people not much different from themselves....'cause people are like a river, y'see.....flowing to the sea 'n returning to the mountains to flow to the sea again 'n again....'n I learned the eternal question, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"
I was raised a Christian, so I went to Sunday School 'n I learned the Bible....that in the beginning, there was a void...high school science taught me that Nature abhors a vacuum so I assumed that God felt the same....
I read recently that Science was the only true God because Science is based on fact 'n I remarked that if you accepted that statement as fact, you were in reality accepting it on faith which meant that Science was just another faith-based religion....
but I'm meandering again.....I was talking about infinity and how a picture from the Hubble helped me to what I think is a greater understanding of death.....Y'see, the Hubble showed multiple universes that seemingly go on without end....and in our little world, we're taught that everything must have a beginning and an end....we're born and we die. Rivers start out as a raindrop in the mountains and end as an ocean. All living things have a beginning and an end. Except they don't. We talk about the circle of life without understanding. The interesting thing about a simple circle is that it has no beginning and therefore no ending. It is infinity. Which means, to my simple mind, that birth and death do not exist. They are an illusion.
Ain't that a gas?