“Every path has a few puddles.”
I talk a lot about Ol Fair Oaks but truth be told, there’s a lot of Ol Fair Oaks that I almost never get around to....Oh, once’t in a great while I use’ta walk down Bridge Street to the river... The American River is a purty river... I’ve ever seen....ain’t nearly so wide as the Ohio or the Mississippi but t’ain’t muddy either...
what it is most of the year is durn cold ‘cuz it’s basically snowmelt...it’s a pretty river but I don’t walk her near as much as I did a few years ago....I use’ta hike various ‘n sundry streets around the village...they’re little old narrow streets, winding up ‘n down ‘n in ‘n out ‘n it’s easy to get lost but if you keep walking, why sooner or later you’ll come out....maybe not where you intended but you will eventually find your way back to the village center....
Mostly, me ‘n da boyz stay pretty close to Crestline Avenue....that’s a pretty fancy name for a street that’s barely two blocks long ‘n one of ‘em is basically an alley....still, it’s only a spit ‘n a holler to the main drag of the village.... that’ud be Fair Oaks Boulevard which jogs right thru the middle of things...anyways, when I’m talking about wand’ring ‘round ‘n about the village, I’m really talking about walking da boyz around Plaza Park which is the center of Ol Fair Oaks Village...
And t’day is Springfest...well, the first day of it anyways...s’two day affair that use’ta be called Fair Oaks Fiesta but as we’ve pretty much made the transition from ‘real’ village to a faux artsy-fartsy antiques ‘n more village, the new crop of movers ‘n shakers evsidently tho’t the old name was p’litically incorrect....ah well, as Kermit the Frog once famously stated, “Time’s fun when you’re having flies.”