Sunday, February 19, 2012

“Il n’ya pas de quois”

“Everybody, sooner or later, sits down to a meal of consequences.” RLS one ‘a the phrases that I learned in French class back in the middle of the last century...translates as, ‘it is of no consequence’....

Now, I live on an inconsequential street in a time-warped village on the edge of Sacramento county...the street is only two short blocks long ‘n one of ‘em is basically an alley that narrows down to one lane...Ever so often we get a stranger come wand’ring who’ll say, “Why, I didn’t even know this street was here.”...I’m only pointing this out becuz evidently Sacramento country Waste Disposal dudn’t always know that this street is here cuz I’ve got a lonely trash can standing as a mute sentinal in front of my driveway for six daze now ‘n it looks like it’s gonna be there for three more daze when, I’m hopeful, it will be picked up...Now Millyrose ‘n I have made numerous pleas which sadly were ignored...well, I say ignored but t’be truthful, the last person I spoke with at Sac Waste told me that she’d pray for us...I’m a great believer in the efficacy of prayer but I believe that she might’a been speaking facetiously...

What really irks, howsomever, is the fact that the County c’n force the citizenry to pay for a service whether or not that service is provided...just another example of ‘Progressive Liberalism’

“But you can’t make people listen. They have to come ‘round in their own time, wondering what happened ‘n why the world blew up around them.” Ray Bradbury

Friday, February 17, 2012

It wuz a good day...

“East is east ‘n west is San Francisco.” O. Henry

Yestiday, Thursday...wuz a good day for me ‘n Millyrose even tho’ it commenced a little bit on the early side with an insufficient amount of coffee...for me, at least, since Millyrose no longer drinks the foul beverage having switched to that Witches brew, tea...

The three of us (did I mention that son Dave went along) climbed into the little car ‘n pointed it west on the Interstate on a bright, sunshiny day...our destination wuz the Portuguese Embassy in San Francisco...

The first time I saw SF wuz back in ‘56 when I wuz 18 years old...I tho’t it wuz the purtiest city I’d ever seen...’course, my experience with cities wuz fairly limited...I’d visited New York ‘n D.C. ‘n I’d passed thru Chicago a couple times...

anyways, the train brought me to Oakland, California where I got on a ferry boat ‘n crossed the bay to SF...the sun wuz shining as I recall, much as it wuz yestiday ‘n I tho’t SF wuz a magical place...’course, when you’re 18 years old, there is magic all around you in ev’ry new thing that you run across...the magic fades with age but once’t in a while, you still get the occasional glimmer ‘n since I didn’t have t’drive at all, I had the chance to look around ‘n marvel at the magic of San Francisco...crowded, narrow streets full of cars ‘n trucks ‘n buses ‘n sidewalks full of people going hither ‘n yon...(one duzn’t often get the chance to use hither ‘n yon in a sentence these daze)...Dave whipped the little car thru the canyons of Sf as if he’d been born to the job ‘n when the bizness at the Embassy wuz finished, we went lookin’ for sumplace to eat...I b’leeve we ended up in the Mission District at a place called ‘Jim’s Diner’...a simple meal, very good (better’n Susie’s Country Oaks ‘n cheaper) where we were serenaded by a Mexican street musician ‘n the view from the window wuz of a busy, crowded street ‘n more buses in an hour than I’ve seen in the last year in Ol Fair Oaks...I’m fond of telling people that I like San Francisco best in old movies but yestiday wuz that exception to the rule that crops up once’t in a while in life ‘n should always be appreciated...

I think it wuz the late Herb Caen that remarked, “Ain’t it nice that people who prefer Los Angeles to San Francisco live there.”

Monday, February 13, 2012

A p'litical rant....

Posted this on FB as a comment but it seems t'have disappeared...maybe sumbody didn't like it...

California Democrats are rejoicing because they’ve scarpered the Republicans in the redistricting thing...’course, being Democrats they’ve already begun to fight amongst themselves which is the only amusing aspect of this suspect p’litical rigmarole...the Democrat leadership is already counting the golden state in the Obama column ‘n hoping to put the nightmarish Pelosi back into the Speaker seat that she lost in 2010...

What is really amazing also is that the Democratic sheep are rejoicing but I think that may be premature ‘cause they haven’t been sheared yet...that time is coming as California appears t’be on a fast track t’become the USA version of Greece...what the entitlement society doesn’t seem to understand is that after they’ve been sheared ‘n the wool has been sold, about the only thing about them that’ll still have worth is the meat...When the last buffalo was slaughtered for their hide ‘n the meat left to rot in the western sun ‘n their bones were gathered ‘n ground up for pet food, the indigenous tribes of the American west were finished ‘n when the last viable honest t’goodness business packs up ‘n leaves the golden state ‘n the only employers left are taxpayer funded, who’ll stop the rain?

A soft 'n gentle rainy Monday....quiet too

“The best thing you c’n do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” Longfellow

Waking up to a rainy day ain’t too awful all depends on your viewpoint, I guess...anyways, it’s quiet on rainy mornings with the mournful sound of the neighborhood roosters crying in vain for the sun to come up...

The little dogs are quiet also but that prob’ly has more t’do with the fact that Millyrose is still pounding her ear ‘n we ain’t...Willie has an ever hopeful gleam in his eyes that maybe the next time he goes out it won’t be raining...the look of disappointment on his face when he’s standing on the porch staring out at the raindrops is durn near priceless...’course, if he gets off the porch, he finds out that he’s pretty darn near t’being waterproof ‘n he’d be off ‘n running if I’d let him...the poodle is a little more fastidious ‘n while I don’t mind walking in a nice soft rain once’t in a while, I don’t want to do it before I have my coffee ‘n biskits...which is where I’m going now if you’ll excuse me...or even if you won’t...

‘n for my more genteel readers, Mae West (just gotta luv her) said, “Save a boyfriend for a rainy day...’n another, in case it doesn’t rain.”

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Too much information or....the meanderings of a bored insomniac

I’ve just been reading an article by a pompous ass by the name of Mark Z Jacobson who claims that the three major problems of the world consist of air pollution mortality, global warming and energy security.

You might not know but I bet you could guess that Mr. Jacobson is located in that bastion of incoherent intellectualism, Stanford University in (gasp) California and that he has a vested interest in (wait for it) environmental studies.

My grandpa was, among other things, a trainer of mules. One of the ‘tools’ that he used in that pursuit was headgear that obstructed the side vision of the mule. This type of headgear was called ‘blinders’ and it’s purpose was to eliminate distraction and force focus on the mule.

Focus can be a very good thing when it comes to achieving a specific goal but there are negative side effects as any divorce attorney can testify. Keeping your shoulder to the wheel, your ear to the ground, your eye on the ball and your nose to the grindstone makes for a very uncomfortable working position.

Now, I believe that air pollution is a serious problem and that, on the whole, clean air is important to all of us.

The jury is still out on global warming and I suggest that energy security is a governmental problem.

As I see it, the three major problems for ordinary people are what they have always been...eating, sleeping ‘n sex ‘n Mr. Jacobson obviously doesn’t realize that he is just another soul lost in the wonderland of academia....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

If this's still Tuesday, it must be February...

COFFEE &....

“Timing has a lot t’do with the outcome of a rain dance.”

Woke up this morning to a rainy day...

ah well, it’s been a dry, sunny, tee-shirt winter so far...normally, we’ll get rain ‘long about the end of October ‘n it’ll alternate with dreary daze of dense fog for November, December‘& January tho’ generally in the middle of February comes a spell of faux Spring...

This’s a different kind of year tho’ of the driest on record...they been keeping a record of the weather here in California since 1850...there’s an old whatever you want’a call it that sez about California that “the miners came in ‘49, the whores in ‘51 ‘n when they got t’gether.....” Anyways, I guess in that interim year, somebody wuz bored enuff that he decided to begin keeping track of the weather...I only wonder why he didn’t give it up in ‘51...

Anyhow, I’m so bored with interminable politics that the most innarestin thing that’s going on ‘round Ol Fair Oaks t’day is the weather...Mark Twain or Will Rogers (prob’ly both of ‘em) said, “Ever’body talks about the weather but no one does anything about it.”

Didn’t really rain much here, just enuff t’get the weeds damp or maybe dampish...I could’a prob’ly counted the raindrops on the street when me ‘n da boyz took our morning stroll but counting raindrops is only slightly more exciting than the endless presidential polls that the talking heads are constanly pointing out in their less than quiet desperation...

“and remember, you’re never too old to learn sumthin’ stupid.”

Monday, February 6, 2012

Still February....

“No one ever says ‘it’s only a game’ when their team is winning.”

I woke up this mornin’ thinking about politics...y’just cain’t get away from it...

like the Super dudn’t matter whether you like football or not, there ‘uz just so much hype about it that you just got to have an opinion...’course, it may well be that your opinion is that it’s a great lot of hooey (a fav’rite word of my Mama) but there’s no denying that it generates a lot of interest...

I spoze it’s the competition thing...we humans are a competitive bunch...I’ve heard it said that may well be the reason we’re at the top of the food chain...’course, that may just well be innate vanity speaking but there’s a lot of us ‘n we’re still multiplying at an alarming rate (we may multiply ourselves into oblivion one day but that’s another story)...

Anyways, we do love competition...from childhood footraces to adult wars, winning is a big deal in our lives...

Speakin’ of the Super Bowl, I heard a guy loudly proclaim that since the ‘49er’s weren’t playing, he didn’t give a damn about the outcome...I don’t really care about football, ‘specially professional football, but I watched the last part of the game ‘n it wuz durn near riveting (means it wuz hard to look away)...I’m afraid some people’ll get so invested in their p’ticklar candidates in these preliminary p’litical races that if their candidate of choice don’t happen to prevail, why they’ll just sit home ‘n sulk when we get t’the world series of national politics...

I must confess that I have a fondness for Newt Gingrich...he’s sort’a like an American Churchill, contentious, surly at times but smart ‘n feisty ‘n most Americans do tend to root for the underdog in almost ev’ry contest...besides, he’s smarter than the average bear ‘n seems to have a fondness for pic-a-nick baskets that may have been brought by somebody else...

I’m a little puzzled by how many people seem to dislike Mitt Romney because of his success...I mean, he’s smart, good-looking in a managed kind of way ‘n he’s made a lot of money...I s’pect most of the people that complain about him are just plain jealous...he seems like a nice enuff fellow for a guy that don’t drink or smoke but I suspect growing up as a Mormon, he didn’t have the advantages that the rest of us did ‘n you can’t really blame him for sumthin’ that maybe ain’t his fault...

“Good, better, best! Best is good but better ain’t bad.”

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Februarians rejoice!

The reason that February is the shortest month is because ever’one wants t’get it over with as soon as possible.

I been told that you shudn’t argy over religion or politics but wherever y’go the most pop’lar argyments are always one or t’other...’n sumtimes you c’n squeeze ‘em both into a conversation without hardly trying...

In a political year, of course, politics is just about on ever’ones mind ‘specially if you happen t’have a talking job on teevee...

In the media, the term ‘Evangelical’ has come to mean the conservative right wing of the Republican Party, so for example, if you call someone an Evangelical you are, in essence, calling them not only a Republican but a zealous right-wing bigot whose main goal is the persecution of non-Christians in American least, that’s what the progressive liberal leftwing zealots seem t’be sayin’...

East is east ‘n west is west ‘n Mark Twain lived east ‘n talked west...funny thing about Twain is that he wuz able to stay Sam Clemens ‘til his wife died ‘n then he became Mark Twain full-time ‘n stayed him until he died...’course, I spect that if you ackshully cared about such stuff, you prob’ly already knew that... can’t get away from it ‘n it has purty much taken over the nooze altogether ‘n if you read what I’ve written so far, you’ve no doubt figured out that I’m pretty durn bored with the ‘hole thing et al...Yestiday, the nooze had it that The Trump wuz gonna announce that he wuz endorsing the Newt but this morning, they say he’s gonna endorse the Mitt...I think the Donald just can’t stand to not see his own name in print...

Anywaze, the sun is shining, a leafblower is droning up the street ‘n da boyz want t’go for their first walk of the day ‘n it’s gotta be more innarestin that the nooze...

In politics, you should get your facts first then change ‘em to suit yourself.