Monday, October 26, 2015

It ain't loaded....

"Now this is number one, and the fun has just begun,
     Roll me over, lay me down and do it again.
     Roll me over, in the clover, 
     Roll me over, lay me down and do it again."

The Cat Lady asked if I tho’t Donald Trump would be the next President? Did I think he could beat Hillary?
I tho't about telling her that it beat the hell out'a me but she seemed serious so I told her that I didn’t know, that I preferred Carson but Trump could do it. 
As for beating Hillary, I hope so…I went on to say that I didn’t understand how otherwise normal seeming Democrats could actually support a self-confessed liar and cheat like Hillary. I understand that network television, the mainstream media as a whole, has invested heavily in Democrat policies 'n Democrat politicians. Costs a lot of money to buy national politicians so the stakes are high.
Anyway, all the Dems that I’ve asked have never given me a cogent answer; their usual reply being that George Bush lied, which appears to be some kind of magical talking point with those of the 'liberal' persuasion...
When I point out that maybe he did ’n maybe he didn’t but what possible bearing could it have on the fact that Hillary lied; that Obama lied; that Susan Rice lied; that the whole damn Obama administration lied? 
The next thing they say is that all politicians lie.  I don’t want to believe that. I won’t believe that. I know that some politicians, like some people, lie. It seems to be a human nature thing,but not all people lie so I must believe that some politicians are honest, honorable people of integrity, serious about their job of representing the citizenry...
I don’t even believe that all Democrat politicians lie although many of them have demonstrated a great disregard for the truth. 
Reminds me of a once upon a time friend of mine named Barney Smith. Barney couldn’t help lying.It was his nature. He’d look me in the face ’n lie to me when he knew that I knew he was lying. 
I think Bill Clinton is like that, I believe that he’s always been a liar, since he was a boy. I think he just can’t help himself. Like Barney Smith, it's his nature, a way of life for him.
Politicians today must know that every thing they do, every word they speak in public is  being videotaped and that their lies are being documented. Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, someone, somewhere has a video camera ’n is documenting it. 
It just seems that Democrats, especially Obama ’n those in his administration don’t seems to care that their lies, no matter how egregious, are out there for the world to see. 
Evidently they believe their lies won’t matter to the Democrat voters. And when they’re challenged on their lies, the excuse is always the same, that George Bush lied!  
You’d think that after all these years, they’d get over blaming George for all the Democrat failures…you know, like the economy,the IRS, the Veterans Administration, the Middle East, ad infinitum, ad nauseum...
And it isn’t that I believe that all Democrats lie. I don’t. I was a Democrat for most of my life ’n I must believe that some of them are people of honor and integrity. But, I also think that for many of them, lying became part ’n parcel of the Democrat psyche when the paradigm shifted to socialism. 
Progressive liberals (as they like to define themselves) seem to love neo-speak, revisionist history, and applying their ‘new’ mores of the present to the behavior of yesterday.
They tend to disregard historical fact in favor of cant 'n rhetoric, such as the fact that the Democrat Party in 1860 was the ‘slave’ party and the Republicans were the abolitionists; In the new mindset, the Republicans hate minorities, ergo, as day follows night, the Democrats love minorities... 
In some insane way, that type of theorizing has become commonplace among Democrats, thus, George Bush lied has become their mantra, an all-purpose panacea suitable for all occasions...
I don’t know if Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee or not; too soon to tell, but the Republicans have a plethora of qualified candidates: Trump, Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Christie, Jeb, Kasich and Santorum. Even the Republican dropouts were more qualified than any Democrat that has even shown an interest in the position...
Joe Biden,the most recent Democrat dropout, just admitted that his son, Beau, did NOT ask his father to run for POTUS…simply means that Veep Biden is just another Democrat liar (BIG SURPRISE THERE)…
He’s a likable fellow, our Joe, a gaffe-prone, baby-kissing, old-time politician with a high likability factor that kept him on the public payroll for the entirety of his life…he never actually accomplished anything of merit in his career but that seems to be true for most of us. Even his position as Veep was merely to act as a buffer for Obama.
However, the people of Delaware had to spend their tax dollars on someone ’n Joe has always been a great back-slapper.
Anyway, maybe because I’m old, I still seem t'be on speaking terms (of a sort) with many younger liberal democrats, almost all of whom seem to be at least quasi-socialist if not outright communist in their social beliefs (most of them products of a fine California education{satire} but none of them have come up with a satisfactory explanation of why they seem willing to cast their vote in support of a self-confessed liar and cheat like Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“T’is a puzzlement!” King Mongkut

Sunday, October 25, 2015

A fine Autumnal day in Olde Faire Oakes....

Pull my finger...

One wonders about the myriad ’n sundries of life in the course of a day or a week…or, in my case, the time period dedicated to commercials by network television...
Why, you may ask, or maybe not, why have I been watching commercials in the first place…and therein, lies the gist of the story…
The hard drive on my Dish Network receiver died…2nd time actually for a similar incident occurred a few years ago… in the interim, the 4 to 5 day interim waiting for FedEx (or UPS) I had to contend with (gasp) real-time television programming…wherein one is tethered, so to speak, to the time period in which your desired program is available…and you can’t pause or halt the damn thing for a bathroom break or anything else…you’re essentially stuck there and your movement is limited to the breaks in the program for the damn commercials…
Now, I do grasp the significance of commercials without which there would be no ‘free’ television but, like government handouts, ‘free’ comes with a price…meaning you’re not only stuck with the commercials but stuck to the time frame of the show itself…which brings us, as the venerable Paul Harvey use’ta say,’THE REST OF THE STORY’…which really ain’t all that much because I’m old ’n little things tend to irritate me more’n they used to…(funny thing about being old, it’s always the litle things that bug you while you tend to shrug off the big things, go figure)…
Anyhow, there’s a commercial keeps playing on various ’n sundry channel ( Weight Watchers, but that’s incidental)…there’s a character in that commercial, a man, dunno if he’s an actor or not (irrelevant) but he looks at the camera ’n speaks his lines flatly, “It ain’t complicated, you eat the food, you lose the weight.”…
‘It ain’t complicated’…applies to so much of the stuff that gets talked about over ’n over today, especially when it comes to politics…’n well, life in general…we tend to complicate our lives, create mountains out of molehills, see problems where sometimes, no problem exists…like Granny Smith said, when things are going smoothest, that’s when you know there’s trouble ahead…it’s hard being happy when you have to look ahead to see the trouble looming on the horizon...we never seem to be happy unless we have a problem to solve…that’s probably why crossword puzzles ’n soduku are so popular…(is that the right spelling, I’ve not got hooked on those yet)…
Anyway, life tends to be complicated and we make it worse by looking for complicated solutions…but, like Alexander and the Gordian Knot, sometimes the simple solution is best…It ain’t that complicated, just cut the damn knot!
Politics is actually pretty damn simple… it’s a game, a sport for some, a serious business for others, like the NFL, it pays the winners really well ’n nobody remembers the losers past that p’tick’lar season...
Obama’s been in office for seven years so he has a year to go (personally, I can’t wait for him to go away, his bony head ’n flapdoodle ears)…historically, two terms,eight years, is pretty much it for any party,altho’ FDR did manage to double that…didn’t quite get it finished, but he tried, he tried…
Those four terms turned out to be so scary for the professional politicians that they passed a term limit law…afraid of having a King, I think...Anyhow, after eight years, most folk think it’s time for a change ’n that’s usually the way the vote goes…
The Republicans have a pretty good shot this time around, a lot of really qualified candidates and the Obama economy has sucked big time…should be a shoo-in but with politics as in football, you just never know…
I use’ta like betting on sports when I was younger and knew damn near everything but even then I shied away from professional football on the grounds that on any given Saturday, the very worst team in the league could beat the very best team and it’s hard to figure the odds in that situation...
The Democrats only have one candidate, no matter the support for good old Bernie, and that’s Hillary…seriously flawed, she’s a self-confessed liar and cheat…somehow, that don’t seem to matter to an awful lot of registered Democrats…I don’t know why it doesn’t matter but it’s a fact that it don’t! 
She pretty much has to run on the Obama economy which is good for the Republicans and her record as Secretary of State is only better than my record because she was actually Secretary of State and I wasn’t…her record as a United States Senator was darn near as good as her record of Secretary of State and she didn’t travel as much which made her term in the Senate a little cheaper…there’s no proof that she peddled her influence to the highest bidder, it’s circumstantial that the Russkie’s bought a big chunk of USA uranium under her watchful eyes ’n circumstantial evidence has always been good enough for the Clintons…all depends on what you mean by the word ‘is’...

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Ah, gotta love those Dimocrats....

D’ere, d’ese, d’em ’n d’ose democrats...

…or should we call ‘em Dimocrats…must admit the urge to refer to Democrats as Dimocrats is more ’n more with me these Autumnal daze…Millyrose just rolls her eyes when I make smart-ass remarks about Democrats, especially if I pick on Jerry Brown who has always been a favorite of hers ’n she has never approved of the late Mike Royko’s nick-name of ‘Moonbeam’ Brown which sounds like it came from the talented pen of the late ’n mostly unlamented Al Capp, the acerbic author ’n artist of L’il Abner ’n the citizenry of Dogpatch, USA…
Anyway, one of our Dimocrat friends (See, I just cudn’t resist, it’s just not in me) questioned whether or not I actually watched the Dimocrat Debate (Debacle) as orchestrated by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (I did, tho’ it didn’t actually resemble any actual debate that I’ve ever witnessed)…which was about as much as I said to my (Dim) friend for fear of antagonizing She who must be obeyed who warns me over ’n over not to engage in political or religious discussions with those who might disagree with me (j’ever try having a friendly argument with someone who agrees with you)…
Anyhow, on Meet the Press this morning, NBC’s version of ‘fair ’n balanced’ Chuckles Todd took a few moments to point out the political differences between republican ’n dimocrats as demonstrated by the competing debates; The evil republicans argued among themselves (very definition of a debate) over issues like ISIS, Afghanistan ’n the middle East in general, the state of the US economy versus the European economy, the influx of refugees in Europe and immigration policies here ’n there, American jobs ’n trade policies, violence in the streets,which lives matter most, etcetera while the more civilized Dimocrats were primarily and righteously concerned with abortion rights, the war on women, ‘free’ education, welfare for illegal immigrants and how best to take money away from the evil moneychangers in the Temple of Wall Street…
Oh,and how Hillary came away as the obvious winner of the debate because, as Bernie Sanders pointed out, “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about her damned e-mails.”…
He tended to overlook the fact that line itself sounded as though it had been scripted by DNC scriptwriters ’n that the obeisance shown by Chaffee ’n O’Malley, the obvious ’n blatant disregard of Jim Webb by the ‘unbiased’ moderator, made the term debate false, nothing more than an artifice to display the good humor of Hillary in the face of republican animosity…
Now, as I’ve been told, I’m old ’n more’n somewhat irrelevant, being that I somehow epitomize the rich,old,white basic element of the imploding Republican Party (I’ll admit to being old ’n white) but I believe that the fact that Republicans can come up with a dozen and a half qualified applicants for the job of POTUS and that we’re not only willing but begging for them to gather somewhere and argue why anyone should vote for a particular one of them is a good thing…’n I don’t believe that Wasserman-Schultz annointing Hillary ’n not allowing a dissenting voice is good…fact, I think it’s basically unAmerican!  
And for all those who managed to read this p’tick’lar rant all this way ’n maybe expected more of me…sorry, this’s all I have on this overcast Sunday...

Monday, October 12, 2015

Moonbeam Brown and the Redskins.....

"The time has come, the walrus said, to speak of many things..." L.Carroll

I don't mind Columbus Day, even the misinformation about Columbus 'discovering' America. Eventually, even the most mundane high school history courses do make it clear that other europeans were actually here earlier. 
And the nonsense that Columbus somehow 'exploited' the aboriginal inhabitants of the American continent is nothing but  progressive liberal revisionism and, as with most revisionist history, totally incorrect. 
As a matter of fact, this inane assumption about the myth of the so-called 'Native' American is part of the process that has kept aboriginal Americans from fully participating in what has become known as the American Dream. 
I do blame the governments immediately following our Civil War for their genocidal tactics against primarily the western tribes and the reservation system that followed that  halted the genocide but excluded the Indians, as they had become commonly known, from inclusion in our fledgling democracy. 
The Indian Wars, as they were known, were over by the 1880's and here we are, 145 years later dithering like a pack of fools over semantics.  
Many  people in the USA claim American Indian in their ancestry and they are fully assimilated, while a relative handful of western Indians were confined to reservations, ostensibly for their own protection, but, somehow, seemed to end up much like animals in a zoo. 
As a matter of fact, tourists are invited, even inveigled, you might say, to drive through these reservations as they might drive through any free range zoo, encouraged to take photos and purchase souvenirs, while never actually getting far away from the safety of their vehicles.
I’m just a country boy, a long way from being the brightest bulb on the tree, but even I can see what the practice of exclusion has done to the remnants of a conquered people.
No one complains about the University of Notre Dame being known as The Fighting Irish. Someone might complain if they were known as The Drunken Irish but, then again, maybe not.
Sports teams, named after various and sundry Indian Tribes were done so in honor of what was considered to be brave and honorable.  The Redskins, of which Gov. Jerry ‘Moonbeam’ Brown is so disparaging was never meant to be an insult. Nobody names sports teams after coward or losers.  I just have to wonder where in the world is the common sense that Americans are supposed to have….Gone with the wind, I suppose…. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Oh, what the hell, it's Friday again.....

Gotta wonder what it is with those people who self-identify as ‘progressive liberals’…
It’s like somewhere along their trip to the ‘Land of Mature People’ they got sidetracked, their heads so full of themselves there was no room left over for the factual building blocks of adult life.
For some reason unknown to the rest of us, they seem unable to hold an adult conversation about basic human freedoms.
While most of us begin with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the PL’s seem for the most part, to gloss over that and jump immediately into the ‘What if’s’ such as the ‘right’ to decent food…to no cost education…to no cost medical care…to no cost housing…all of which are nice to have but not covered in The Constitution of the United States of America…
PL’s assume that was just an oversight on the parts of the framers of The Constitution and if they were alive today and just happened to still be working on the aforementioned document, they would surely put those freedoms first and foremost…and probably follow them up with no cost internet…no cost computers (part of the no cost education, no doubt)…no cost cable service…no cost transportation (free battery-powered automobiles)…ad infinitum, ad nauseum…
And they’ll not listen to any conservative opinions because, of course, conservatives are deaf, dumb and blind to any ideas that come out of the hearts and minds of young people…in addition, all conservatives are old wealthy white men who are racist, mysoginistic and homophobic to their core,who should be removed from society for the protection of society in a painless and dignified manner sometime after the biblical threescore and ten…mandated, I think, under the guise of death with dignity as stipulated  in the Obamacare doctrine…

Thursday, October 8, 2015

“Honest to Pete!”

Don’t hear this statement anymore…at least, not very often and never from young people who, if you say this or anything like this in their vicinity, are apt to look at you with a  trace of bafflement mixed with wonderment at how you managed to get out of the asylum…
When I wuz a boy ‘way back in the last century, sayin’ Honest to Pete’ wuz much like swearing on The Bible ’n as you may remember, swearing on The Bible put a body on their honor to speak the truth ’n nuthin’ but the truth…well, in the fantasy world of black ’n white movies ’n awe-struck children…
A little bit later in life, you were more apt to hear it from an exasperated parent as in ‘Honest to Pete, you surely never did that again…’ 
What it wuz, wuz a euphemism for Honest to God becuz back in that far off age, a body had to be cautious how he (or she) used the word God…hard to believe t’day, I know, when expletives once upon a time banned are now commonly used in grade schools...
Good old-fashioned euphimisms have more or less been replaced by the ubiquitous OMG or WTF, both of which seems t’be in common usage from children to young parents who, by appearance anyway, are much too young to have ‘real’ children to parade in public the way they showed off their dolls a few weeks ago or before they had their periods ’n decided they wanted to be a real mommy in outright defiance of Planned Parenthood ’n the abortion lobby...
I’ve managed to learn a few basic things over the years ’n one of them is the fact that you can’t get far riding a dead horse ’n if you want to have a discussion about abortion, you’d best not bring it up with any of the new age liberals that you might be acquainted with who seem to march in lock-step with each other…I’ll tell’ya, they’d make my old Drillmaster Black proud…I mean, they don’t miss a beat, nary a mis-step among ‘em…
Anyway, just so’s no one gets nervous hereabouts, I ain’t gonna talk about abortion, I ain’t even gonna talk about new age liberalism…I already been chastised for calling ‘em moronic,delusional, self-absorbed idiots too many times…which hearkens back to my talking about riding a dead horse…
I’m just not sure how to approach a conversation with someone that actually believes in the liberal mindset!  It’s as tho’ they have called ID ’n they just block everything ’n everyone that might disagree with what they already know is true…
At least, when you have a conversation with a conservative person, you can express a viewpoint with which they differ ’n they’ll listen before offering a rebuttal…Durn liberals won’t listen to anything, especially facts…Obama ’n Clinton ’n all the rest of them for that matter can contradict themselves on video over ’n over and it makes no difference to the committed liberal…and I’m at a loss to understand that. I have asked liberals of my acquaintance to explain that to me but it’s a lot like talking to my little dog, Willy…he just looks up at me, stares me down ’n waits for me to give him a treat…he is truly as focused as any liberal I know...