Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Crastination, pro or con?

S’funny...well, in a way, I guess, me being a Master Procrastinator et al......an almost lifelong proponent of Alfred Doolittle’s philosphy....”with a little bit o’ luck, someone else’ll do the blinkin’ work....” don’t do t’day what ya c’n put off ‘til tomorrow........
The thing is, I really do want this Chemo stuff to be over and done with......like, the longer I have to deal with it, the longer ‘la vie miserable’ y’know what I mean???
But it’s really a question of balance.....I need to feel better for a little bit. I’d reached the point where my most strenous activity was taking a shower and that exhausted me to the point where I needed a nap. Taking a nap to recover from sleeping all nite is more than redundant....It’s positively socialistic, can’t figger out whether I’m a Democan or Republicrat kind’a thing.....
Anyway, I didn’t drive. I just rode around with Millyrose while we ran some errands.....that’s more exciting than it sounds.....at least, for me. Ever’ since I learned to drive, riding with someone else has almost always been a white-knuckled experience anyway. Elevates the pulse, enervates the blood pressure and, need I say, reminds you that life is precious.
I wuz just wonderin’.....if ya put things off all the time, how d’ya go from bein’ an amateur crastinator to a pro??
One of these days, I think I’ll take some time and figure that out....or not. Foggy here t’day. At least, outside is foggy. Sunny w/scattered clouds & chance of rain on the inside. Looking at clouds from both sides c’n be illusionary if not p’tick’ly illuminating......
Justin Other Smith

1 comment:

kelbutt said...

love the title of this post.