Tuesday, March 25, 2008

a good enuff day.....

There’s an article in ‘The Bee’ this AM about the high & rising cost of treating cancer. It says that the cost of chemotherapy is going to rise at least 15% this year; And the newest, most effective drugs are the most expensive. Well, no kidding. Drug companies are in business to make a profit.
Well, everyone essentially understands profit and loss; business makes a profit or they go out of business. But how much profit is fair? Should the market determine the price of an item? Want or need? If you manufacture a product that people want, you should be able to charge whatever the market will bear. But suppose you manufacture a product that people need? Does the price then become a moral dilemma? Should it be whatever the market will bear or should it be sold for the lowest possible price that allows for a minimum profit?
How does society decide who lives and who dies? Do wealthy people live while poor people die? Stupid questions, right? Rhetorical. Of course society decides who lives and who dies. It always has. And wealthy people have access to better medical care. So maybe in the future we should adopt the Vulcan greeting.....Live long and prosper only change it to Prosper and live long.
My friend Marvin & his wife, Jeannie, have been in Calif for a couple weeks. They stopped by today (their last day) to take Millyrose & me to lunch....Carmelita’s, of course......the food wuz good, the Dos Equis was cold..... good beer.....Wikipedia calls it “a german beer made by a 3rd world brewery”......whatever.......the sun was shining, gentle breezes & beer for lunch.....a good enuff day.....
Justin Other Smith

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