Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Polls R us.......

I don't put a lot of stock in polls.....that's what everyone sez but we all read the durn things & quote 'em when they fit what we want 'em to fit...
That said, I saw a poll t'other day that said almost 30% of young voters say that if Obama don't get the nomination, why they ain't gonna vote at all...So there!  Take that, mommy & daddy.....
I guess when kids agree with OF's (figger it out y'self), it's ok that they got the vote at 18, but when they're agin us, mebbe we should raise the voting age?????....
Looks like Hilla-ree got her dbl digit win in pore ol 2nd rate Pennsylvania..(nose thumb to Obama)....that ought'a keep her goin' for a bit longer....wonder how the pundits'll spin that into a win for Obama....the longer he goes, the more questions he gets asked & the dumber his answers get......I guess it's hard to explain in terms us common-folk c'n understand that mess we're in as a country is our own fault for not listening to the Liberal Elite in the first place....
Heck!  All them bright people in D.C. & Noo Yawk had me believeing it was George got us in trouble by trying to one-up his old man.......
Sumtimes, I can't seem to help myself....all that smart-alecky stuff just boils up in my throat and spills least, I don't get hit for it anymore....
Back in my waybackwhen time, I tho't I might make a career out of gettin' beat up for shooting my mouth off.....
Now in my dotage, I c'd just tell 'em......."In my youth, Father William replied to his son, I feared it might injure the brain, but now that I'm sure I have none, I do it again and again!"

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