Sunday, September 28, 2008

The inevitability of Obama.....

Not long ago the nation was mesmerized by the approaching hurricane Ike. Millions of people were too fasicinated to look away from their television sets as pundits and talking heads labored and belabored the impending destruction.
“Death is imminent” warned the experts as they importuned residents to flee inland. And hundreds of thousands heeded the warning. But tens of thousands staunchly refused to budge. News people, for whatever personal reasons unimaginable, placed themselves in the path of the storm, standing rain-soaked and wind-blown to repeat over and over their dire predictions as debris flew through the air.
Impending doom has an hypnotic effect; the space-time continium slows, the focus intensifies on the coming tsunami, a rising tide that will swamp our feeble levees and drown our economy... destruction looms.
Hurricane Obama swirls, the mounting winds of change grow stronger, building the momentum to sweep out the old, to scour the landscape and bring a more perfect world.
Of course, there’s many a slip t’wixt the cup and the lip and most hurricanes falter when they come ashore, the big wind blowing itself out, the giant wave battering the shore but eventually receding, leaving in its wake not change but detritus, flotsam and jetsam left bobbing in the surf.
The campaign grows tedious but recalling Ozymandia, "This too shall pass."

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