Saturday, January 24, 2009

Now you see it......

Now you don't.....
I was just thinking....wassup wit’ Obama ‘n Limbaugh? I mean, Ann Coulter ‘n Bill O’Reilly have been getting all the press lately ‘n nobody’s been talking about Rush Limbaugh at seemed like ‘The Mouth that roared’ had been silenced or at least put on hold...’n then Obama tells the Congress not to listen to him....well, he told the Republican members of Congress not to listen to him.... ‘n now “He’s baaaack!” The Mouth is all over the tube again simply becuz of Obama-mania...all it seems to take is for Obama to mention sumthing ‘n it becomes an overnite gotta-have for the worldwide media......
I’ve heard it said that you measure a man by the scope of his enemies ‘n since Johnny ‘Mac’ McCain seems to have embraced his former opponent, maybe Obama just needed an enemy to focus on.....ergo: Rush Limbaugh...
Reminds me of Elwood P. Dowd talking about his friend, Harvey.....”And then I introduce them to Harvey...’n he’s bigger ‘n grander than anything they offer me. ‘N when they leave, they leave impressed. The same people seldom come back, but that’s envy, my dear. There’s a little bit of envy in the best of us.”
Now, I ain’t saying that Rush Limbaugh is a six foot white rabbit 'n I ain't saying that Obama ‘n Limbaugh are friends or even casual acquaintances...I don’t think they dislike each other but they are both opportunists first ‘n foremost ‘n a good, loud, public argument does seem to focus the publics attention....Magicians even have a term for’s called ‘misdirection’....pulls your attention away from the real trick.....but y’all knew that when you voted for Obama anyway....didn’t you?

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