Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring weather stuff.......

Yesterday was nice.....mid-70’s....sunshiny...’n last nite a cold front moved in....woke up this morning to overcast grey skies ‘n a cool breeze....not cold cold but definitely cool cold....watching the weather report last evening I tho’t I’d get in a swim t’day but prob’ly not Sunday...well, quash that idea....I ain’t jumping in the pool t’day even if it is heated....don’t misunderstand me...I c’d ain’t the water temp that stops me, it’s the durn walk to ‘n fro the pool about harshing a mellow...
Speaking of harshing a mellow, I watched Barry O’s performance on Leno t’other nite....I tho’t he did okay ‘n I didn’t even wince at his remark about special olympics..
guess I just ain’t PC enuff for this brave new world...
Oh, ‘n for all the nonsense about his appearance on the Tonight Show being beneath the ‘dignity of the office’...
y’gotta remember we’re talking politicians here ‘n there ain’t anything that’s beneath the dignity of a politician...
The Tonight Show is uptown compared to Nixon’s appearance on LaughIn....remember “Sock it to ME!”...
Owell, enuff political....
We’ve been watching a bunch of old Ronald Reagan movies...I mean the old black ‘n white B movies that was the basis for his career....Millyrose pointed out that Eric Close (actor on Missing Persons) looks enuff like a young Ronald Reagan t’be a brother....just tho’t I’d mention that in case you had nothing else to occupy your brain on an overcast Saturday....

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