Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Winter Solstice to you too.....

So the 'Freedom from Religion' bunch has gone 'n bought themselves some billboard ads across like...."Yes, Virginia, there is no God!" and "Reasons Greetings"...'n that actually is okay by me, I mean I don't give a damn what they spend their money on, I s'poze it might even help the economy a little bit 'n I don't think they're gonna convince anyone t'become an atheist...well, if someone becomes an atheist becuz of a billboard, they didn't have much going for them anyway.....anyways it reminded me of a poem that I wrote some time ago....

Basic Belief
(for Pat)

“Do you believe in God!” he said.
It was not a question,
at least, not a question directed at me.
But after he left,
after he had filled the night
with statements disguised to his satisfaction,
after he was gone,
I asked myself,
“Do you believe in God?”
and had to truthfully, honestly say
that I don’t know what I believe except
that I don’t believe that I’m so very different
from anybody else,
and I find it’s difficult to deny God
just in case He does exist.

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