Thursday, March 18, 2010

Idle tho'ts..

If we have a national identification card, I was just thinking that we could turn over all our payrolls to the federal government and in turn, they could give each of us however much they think we deserve and we could then eliminate the Internal Revenue Service.....or is that too progressive?
I remember, as a young man, standing in line to collect my monthly stipend from the payroll clerk. Standing behind the clerk was an armed guard. A few months later, I was the armed guard and it was then I found out that the powers that be didn’t allow the armed guards to have loaded guns. But, we were quite seriously advised that we were to tell no one that our guns were empty.
Once, as a boy, I was chosen to be a Magicians assistant in a performance at my grade school. I was taken aside beforehand and told exactly how to behave. The Magician ‘hypnotized’ me and the entire class, including the teacher, believed that I was indeed hypnotized. I told my friends that it had all been make-believe but they didn’t believe me. I’ve never quite understood why so many people are so quick to believe an obvious lie and so loath to believe the truth. I’ve heard it said that, “in Hollywood, if you can fake sincerity, you’ve got it made.”
gambit never seemed to work for me. The more sincere I was, the less I was believed. I’ve been know to make up stories, what Millyrose calls ‘Kentucky Windies’ and if they are outrageous enough, everyone seems to take them as gospel truth. Just human nature, I suppose.

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