Wednesday, April 14, 2010

He is risen.....

The third day......
of a Spring cold ‘n I hope it’s the last day.....The ubiquitous ‘they’ say a cold only lasts for three days...
hopefully, maybe it does.....I don’t know if that works for ev’ryone or only true believers....
‘N on the fourth day, a sign of life, a Spring resurgence, a hot shower which leaves one feeling...well, weakish...but renewed....but it ain’t raining, the sun is shining in a sky dotted with lots of clouds....some of ‘em, even fluffy but, wot the hell, it’s northern California ‘n you take what you any rate, I’m going outside...gonna walk the dogs, go t’the store ‘n replenish my depleted stock of ice cream...among other things....

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