“When the problem is not so much resisting temptation as finding, you c’d be just getting older.”
Out walking with ‘da boyz’....such a pleasant afternoon...saw my Oncologist this morning....Boy! I’ll tellya, I cudn’t handle a job like his...well, even if I had his education ‘n expertise, I still cudn’t do it...’course, I’ve been a little ray of sunshine in his life ‘cuz my cancer (knock on wood) has seemingly gone away...my next check-up in six months’ll be my five year cancer-free one... well, that’s the plan anyways...
One of my neighbors has a couple apple trees in her backyard....she never ever touches them...the only time she ever comments on them is in the Spring when they’re in bloom ‘n then her comments are pretty much directed at how sad it is that the blooms don’t last longer...I dunno what kind of apples they are... Macintosh p’haps or sumthin’ similar...
the price is right tho’....a plastic bag stuffed in my pocket, hold both leashes in one hand ‘n pick with the other ‘n free apples....maybe, with a little luck, an apple pie...
Talking of apples, next week we’re gonna make a little trip to Apple Hill...Well, y’know, it’s that time of year...Millyrose set it up with a friend of hers so the four of us’ll spend the day wand’ring ‘round ‘n about the twisty little roads, searching out the nooks ‘n crannies of all the apple growers....I s’pect I should prob’ly keep a stern eye on my blood sugar cuz they make some tasty apple treats ‘n they make ‘em with sugar...(they make some that are sugar-free but what’s the point, what’s the point)...I’m talkin’ apple pie, apple strudel, apple dumplings, apple fritters, apple cider...they got apple dolls ‘n apple peelers...’n seems like ever’ year or so, they got a new apple that I never heard of before...who’da tho’t that there were so many apples that all taste different while still tasting the same....t’is a puzzlement for sure....
You c’n even find some of those old-timey apples that have all but disappeared...you know, the favorites of yesteryear that you didn’t even know existed....I remember a green apple from back home years ago that ev’ryone called ‘Transparent’.....Matt Hansen had some of those trees ‘n my cousin ‘n I use’ta couldn’t wait for ‘em to get ripe ‘n green apples’ll give a boy a bellyache...I don’t know if it works that way for girls or not but it was a different age altogether.....Transparents were really good cooking apples...fried apples ‘n biscuits were darn near as good as real apple pie...
“They say you can’t turn back the clock but you can wind it up again...’n that’s why I’m going to Apple Hill...
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