“If you wake up in the morning wond’ring if your earthly mission is finished...It ain’t!”
Early morning quiet....well, except for the durn roosters calling out the sun...when I went outside for the snooze-nooze I c’d hear the traffic noise from Sunrise (sounds like rushing water ‘cept for the odd siren or kiddiebike)...
Has a lot t’do with age, I s’poze... leastways ev’ry old person I ever knew complained that they woke up early cuz they just cudn’t sleep anymore...then they all took nap(s) ev’erday ‘n went t’bed early (with the durn chickens)...
Dunno why chickens go t’roost as early as they do...tradition, maybe...or could be they know that chicken-loving predators come out at dusk ‘n treetops are safer places t’be than scratching around in the dirt...or maybe the just have poor eyesight...lack of night vision, p’haps...lots of old people have problems with night vision so if you see any of us old people driving after dark, you’d be advised to give us a wide berth lest we offend thee...’course, lots of us old people have similar problems in the daytime as well so it’d prob’ly be a good idea to give us a wide berth then also...
Old people c’n be querulous ‘n quarrelsome ‘n curmudgeonly...we drive slower for a variety of reasons but mainly cuz we pretty much know about our final destination ‘n we ain’t in any hurry t’get there ‘n that thing about going into another room ‘n forgetting what it wuz that we went in there for also applies when we’re driving...sumtimes we been known to forget that we’re driving (‘course, this don’t apply to your parents or grandparents cuz the exception to ev’ry rule applies)...
Anyways, we get up early cuz we can’t sleep ‘n we take naps cuz we can’t stay awake ‘n we go to bed early cuz the durn chickens do or teevee is boring ‘n it’s too hard to read at night or maybe we’re just being peevish...
Peevish is another good word that applies to old farts...means easily irritated ‘n that makes us seem churlish ‘n curmudgeonly when the truth is we just got up too darn early ‘n need a nap...
“I have a simple philosphy; fill what’s empty, empty what’s full ‘n scratch where it itches...”
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