Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Now 'n then….

I luv green onions, always have…use'ta pull 'em from the ground, wrap 'em in a slice of white bread 'n eat 'em up….been eating them all my life…until the last couple years when they upset my stomach sumthin' fierce….but I've missed them 'n a few dayz ago, the temptation overcame better judgment 'n I chopped one up 'n put it in a salad 'n it didn't bother me…tasted so good, in fact, that last nite I tried it again….'n now, in the middle of the night my stomach rebelled 'n once again I suffer a wearisome defeat….no more green onions…(sighhhhh)
I've been digging 'n hoeing 'n raking 'n in-between, walking the dogs 'n wandering through the garden aisles of Lowe's 'n Home Depot….also OSH 'n Ace…gonna plant me some yellow Oleander…not sure if I've ever seen yellow Oleander 'round 'n about but if my black thumb don't kill it, I'll have me some in the south forty….
Damn, 'nother one 'a those 'ah well' moments…seems that the reason you don't see a lot of yellow oleander is 'cuz it's highly toxic but they're in the ground already 'n if they're tuff enuff to cope with my survival of the fittest gardening skills….well, we'll see, we'll see…..
T'other day when I wuz having my pro-cee-jure done, the Doctor asked me if I wuz able to walk 'n exercise…I b'leeeve I gave him one 'a those 'Duh' looks before it dawned on me that he wuz a 'young' man prob'ly fresh out'a highschool 'n has no reason to fear death panels for another couple decades….

"The idea is to die young as late as possible."  Ashley Montagu

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weekenders (sighhhh)

Millyrose got her 'garden in a box' from Gina 'n Andrew…well, she got the box 'n a yard of prime dirt…'n I drank coffee 'n watched the entire operation…now all that is necessary is to plant the darn thing with goodies 'n sit back 'n wait for harvest time….well, maybe I'll need to put up a scarecrow…or more likely here in the heart of Ol Fair Oaks, sumthin'  to scare off the chickens…or the squirrels or raccoons or the deer that like to hang in our south forty….ah well, a farmers life ain't an easy one…..

I've been reading various 'n sundry news articles from around the world inbetween the games of Solitaire…the sky is lightening from over the mountain 'n the darn roosters're trying to wake the 'hull damn world seems like….
In Hawaii, a guy named Lopaka Brown sez he's an American by choice 'n that there is no Treaty of Annexation which nullifies the territorial status, statehood 'n the US courts so that he doesn't have to obey the traffic laws……(whatta ya bet, he loses)…
In Ireland, it's always about the sports 'n since I don't really care what happens in sports here in Paradise, I certainly don't care what happens in sports over there…
In Germany, the Iron Chancellor Angela Merkel is pissed at Cyprus 'n in Bulgaria, an idiot set himself on fire because his country is corrupt…I think he'd'a done better to light the fire under those he considers to be corrupt….
Argentina still wants the Falklands but so what……
Oh yeah, 26 inmates at Guantanamo are refusing food because of the sequestration…I dunno 'bout you but I think that's a good thing…
So, after a morning nap, we made the rounds of the Village 'n found ev'rything in applepie order…after which, I filled one of the gas tanks on the truck…another 62 reasons why the Democrats gotta go...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Windy is as windy duz.....

Breezy, breezy day t'day…kind'a day when self-pruning trees lie in wait for unwary strollers 'n the eucalyptus trees whine 'n squeak 'n carry on sumthin' turrible….da boyz can't make up their minds whether they want'a run nose to the ground or stand facing the wind with their nose in the air….Rusty, the old Poodle-Dogger is kind'a laid back about the whole thing but Young Willy can't make up his mind, must'a criss-crossed the street 20 or 30 times 'n that wuz just to the end of the street….
images.jpegWe got a new boy on the block as of a coupla daze ago…his topknot looks white in the pic but it's ackshully yellow…down by the firehouse, there's a red one 'n Plaza Park has got a red one, a black one with a white crown 'n hangin' out by the clubhouse is a black 'n speckled white…Sasha the world famous chicken wrangler in Ol Fair Oaks claims we have over 500 birds wand'ring 'round 'n about…

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Life, death, taxes....'n Spring rain...

YES~ti'day I had a pro-cee-jure….prob'ly the last such procedure I shall ever have to undergo….(the ubiquitous 'they' tell me that colonoscopies are reserved for youngsters)…that's alright with me…the worst part of the 'hull damn thing wuz the preceding waterboarding where ya gotta down 8 ounces of flavored water ever' ten minutes 'n I won't bother with the details of that p'tick'lar action….suffice it t'say that I had to get up very early in the morning t'finish the damn waterboarding 'n then off to Kaiser for THE PRO-CEE-JURE....when I got home afterwards, I napped…off 'n on for the rest of the day, napping 'n waiting for the rain….Mark Finan said it wuz gonna rain around 8 o'clock 'n at 8 o'clock, it wuz raining…Mr. Finan wuz pleased as punch when he did the evening news, God's in his heaven 'n all's right with the world...weathermen crack me up…sort'a like racetrack touts, back in the day when they had racetrack touts…all up front 'n positive when their pick wins 'n nowhere t'be found when they're out of the  money….whenever a teevee weatherman (or woman) hits the mark...give credit where credit is due...they will casually remark that, of course, with the aid of science, they predicted that very occurrence but when the weather don't co-operate, they don't ever mention that sumtimes, science falls a little short….
Secularists loooove science…it's the new black, which I keep hearing tho' I'm not quite sure of the meaning...p'haps, new paint on an old barn maybe….the Bible, of course, 'n in this country, it's the Christian Bible, is full of contradictions, 'n myths, 'n the most absurd stories that 'ud make Davey Crockett (or Bill Clinton) proud….why, Paul Bunyan 'n Peco's Bill don't hold a candle to some of the stories in the Bible…but, I digress…
Science, unlike the Bible, is fact-based!  That's a fact!  You c'n take it to the bank!  It's factual! And, if somewhere down the line, science finds out that a previously acknowledged 'fact' is in error, why they simply change it….sort'a like hindsight, don'cha know? 
"Ahh, but the strawberries…that's where I had them.  They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt and with…geometric logic…that a duplicate key to the storeroom did exist." Phillip Queeg, Commander, USN…
Anyhow, the pundits talk about a secularist new world where Science is the new religion 'n the prophets are all called scientists 'n they get their degrees in Prophetology in taxpayer funded State schools where they insist upon an unbridgeable gap t'ween Church 'n State 'n the only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy.  Of course, the repentance of a hypocrite is in itself hypocrisy.
Y'gotta luv the 'Net….I c'n set in my little swivel chair in front of the computer 'n check out newspapers from all around the world…'course, I don't read all of 'em, I just scan 'em for what happens to catch my eye in the moment…I like to read the news 'n I like watching television news…it don't make me any smarter, Science knows, but parrots like to talk whether they know what they're saying or not...
I don't  know how many channels are actually available on the various cable networks but there are a number of news channels…well, that call themselves news channels…I mostly find m'self vacillating t'wixt FNC 'n CNN with the edge going mainly to Fox but there are a lot of other channels to fill the day 'n ease the conscience of not getting the yard work done….

Friday, March 15, 2013

Cloudy daze.....

"I personally am opposed to abortion, but I will not judge anybody else's right in that regard because I am not a woman and I could never face the actual reality of it."  Martin Sheen

Once't upon a time, I tho't to identify m'self as being Pro-Choice…I am, after all, a man, a guy, maybe even a little bit of a Neanderthal at times…but I do like women 'n I heard them all saying that women should have control over their own bodies 'n since I think I should have control over my own body, I tended to agree with 'em….but then, I evolved (wot the hell, if Obama c'n evolve, so c'n I)…I gave it a lot of tho't 'n tho' I know the Supreme Court has stated that the Law of the Land sez that abortion is legal throughout the United States…While Pro-Choice people tend t'call it a viable alternative, I happen to think that life is a bit more viable than death so what we basically got is a disagreement in semantics…They call it abortion 'n I call it murder, and I think that if a woman can legally murder her unborn fetus 'n in some states, legally murder what is termed a 'late term abortion' which in reality is an unborn child, then it's a small step to the murder of a born child which that same court calls infanticide…'n what if maybe the Supreme Court wuz to set an age limit of one or two years or maybe three, I dunno…anyhow, if they can legalize abortion 'n infanticide, then they c'n certainly legalize euthanasia for old farts like me 'n I'm certainly ag'in that…. 
Howsumever, since it is the Law of the Land, at least for the meantime 'n the foreseeable future, I'm not gonna interfere with any woman who has, for whatever reason, opted for an abortion 'n I'm not gonna judge them for it…I can't legally do anything about it anyway so I'll just leave it up to God…well, that 'n voice my opinion 'n try to avoid Obama's death panel….

"I think life is sacred, whether it's abortion or the death penalty."  Tim Kaine

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rainy Wednesday.....

"The shortest period of time lies between the minute you put some money away for a rainy day 'n the unexpected arrival of rain."  I. Dunno

Rusty woke me early this mornin' becuz old dogs are an awful lot like old men when it comes to sleepin' thru the nite…anyhow, it wuz raining, a soft, gentle rain if you must know, but rain just the same…on our new roof…so, I wuz standing on the porch at three o'clock in the A.M. waiting for the old poodle dogger 'n listening to the rain…what exciting times we live in...
Quiet walk 'round the Village this morning…Plaza Park is fenced off, well temporarily anyhow for Turf Maintenance….(just gotta luv neo-speak)…what they did wuz put a crew in the park to punch holes 'n rake or rake 'n punch holes, one or t'other…then another crew to walk 'round 'n 'round with a power-driven whatchamacallit with spikes to make even more holes 'n they followed that with another crew spreading grass seed…I think it wuz prob'ly fortuitous (just gotta luv a word like that) that it rained during the night, I don't think anybody at the Parks Dept would'a bet money on that happening….
Anyhow, it's a coolish kind'a day 'n I been sawing wood (not napping but actually sawing wood) 'n loading the 150 for another trek to the landfill…seems like my work periods get shorter 'n my breaks get longer as the day progresses but, what the heck, at least we're still progressing even if we don't qualify for federal aid...