Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Now 'n then….

I luv green onions, always have…use'ta pull 'em from the ground, wrap 'em in a slice of white bread 'n eat 'em up….been eating them all my life…until the last couple years when they upset my stomach sumthin' fierce….but I've missed them 'n a few dayz ago, the temptation overcame better judgment 'n I chopped one up 'n put it in a salad 'n it didn't bother me…tasted so good, in fact, that last nite I tried it again….'n now, in the middle of the night my stomach rebelled 'n once again I suffer a wearisome defeat….no more green onions…(sighhhhh)
I've been digging 'n hoeing 'n raking 'n in-between, walking the dogs 'n wandering through the garden aisles of Lowe's 'n Home Depot….also OSH 'n Ace…gonna plant me some yellow Oleander…not sure if I've ever seen yellow Oleander 'round 'n about but if my black thumb don't kill it, I'll have me some in the south forty….
Damn, 'nother one 'a those 'ah well' moments…seems that the reason you don't see a lot of yellow oleander is 'cuz it's highly toxic but they're in the ground already 'n if they're tuff enuff to cope with my survival of the fittest gardening skills….well, we'll see, we'll see…..
T'other day when I wuz having my pro-cee-jure done, the Doctor asked me if I wuz able to walk 'n exercise…I b'leeeve I gave him one 'a those 'Duh' looks before it dawned on me that he wuz a 'young' man prob'ly fresh out'a highschool 'n has no reason to fear death panels for another couple decades….

"The idea is to die young as late as possible."  Ashley Montagu

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