“The best way to fight racism is with solidarity.” Bobby Seale
Back in the day, I wuz taught by my Irish mother to never, never, ever use what has come t’be known t’day as the ’N’ word, an absolutely nonsensical appellation dreamed up by politically correct morons who would prob’ly like to say Nigger but just don’t have the balls for it..
It’s an ugly word! An absolutely reprehensible word! And it shouldn’t be used, but my God almighty, hiding behind such a ridiculous euphemism only adds credence to the covert racism inherent in the liberal philosphy that you can somehow make up for the sins of the past by handicapping white America while giving black America a headstart...
Anyway, ‘way back in those golden oldies, those more innocent days, if you will, the ’N’ word wuz used not only by most of my peers but also by most of my parents peers in referring to Negro Americans but not, howsumever, in polite society which used the more commonly term ‘colored’ as in ‘those of the colored persuasion’ whatever in hell that’s supposed to mean…
Anyhow, in the exuberance of the ‘sixties, those self-same Negroes let it be known that they preferred to be known henceforth as ‘Black’ Americans…The media spread the word ’n I guess the word wuz good ‘cause the rest of America quickly acquiesced ’n so it wuz for several years until someone in the Black community decided that they wanted t’be known henceforth as ‘African Americans’ and the media jumped on the bandwagon ’n it came to pass that the rest of America once again acquiesced…As an aside, I have no idea why they want t’be known by a hyphenate but I’m for whatever keeps peace in the family, y’know…..
And speaking of peace in the family, I just happen t’be a fan, y’might say, of Paula Deen Y’all…she’s a caricature, of course, a comic book stereotype with a southern drawl that takes a lot of butter to maintain but she puts on a good show…I’ve heard said that if you strip away the phony tinsel ’n glitter of show biz, you’ll get down to the real tinsel ’n glitter underneath…I think what that really means is that if you look too hard at our celebrities, you’ll find out that there is no real there, there……
I have not the vaguest idea why the media have jumped so hard on Ms Deen for her long ago usage of what wuz in her youth ’n locale, a common albeit not completely respectable derivation of the appellation, Negro.
And, it ain’t as if she claims to have used it indiscriminately in her everyday dealings…
As with most ‘white’ girls of her southern antecedents (upbringing) she wuz undoubtedly taught that it wuz an offensive ’n common (read vulgar) word that proper girls didn’t use in polite company ’n I very much doubt that Paula Deen, whatever her failings, would have dared to flout the unwritten rule regulating the behavior of southern women…
So, no, I don’t believe that Paula Deen is racist…I don’t think most of white America is racist, at least, not anymore…at one time, there was a lot of racial inequality that white America was part ’n parcel of, mostly, I believe, out of ignorance…that has changed…when I was a boy, there was a casual indifference among whites, sort of a head in the sand mentality, about the plight of black Americans that wuz fostered by segregation but I don’t recall most white Americans showing any animus or hostility…it wuz simply the way things were….
But that changed. The change began with the military, then moved to the schools….There wuz resistance, of course, as there always is to change but change happened. And for the better.
And, yeah, I’m aware that there is still a great deal of suspiscion ’n even animosity among the black community and that’s understandable. Hell, it don’t hold a candle to the suspiscion ’n animosity prevalent on the Indian reservations. Still, the fact remains that this country, this America, has put racism under a spotlight and that light will eventually put an end to the cancer of racism not only here but in the world at large…so you might want to give a big shout-out to Paula Deen whose public humiliation at the hands of a toxic press just might prove to be the turning point that exposes the hypocrisy that is keeping racism alive in these, the United States of America…and if there was ever a good time to end this travesty, this Fourth of July is a really opportune time to begin….
“I dunno who said it, but if Al Sharpton had been around at the time, Lincoln would have known he was the victim of racism.”