Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm almost pretty sure it ain't loaded....

I can say truthfully ’n honestly that even as a small child in the long, long ago, I’ve never had a ‘bad’ idea…To the contrary, all my ideas have been universally wonderful, maybe even at times, stupendous, but never, ever ‘bad’...
Now, you might think from reading a statement like that, that I might be just a trifle full of….wellll, whatever it is that people are full of when, y’know, they just are…
But, I’m not…y’see, everybody has wonderful ideas, nobody ever has a bad idea…which is not to say that acting on your wonderful idea always brings predictably wonderful results….Nah!  Mostly, good ideas kind’a stumble around in the dirt ’n the dust ’n the mire with a bunch of other great ideas from other people’n when they get all muddied up to where you have trouble recognizing which idea belong to who, why most often, people just kind’a walk away shaking their heads ’n muttering to themselves about what the hell just happened ’n that as a general rule is the end result of most ideas…
Clear as mud, right?
Now, you might think I’m talking about Obamacare or what wuz once upon a time called the Affordable Care Act which is turning out to be not so damn affordable after all ’n you could be right…at least, a little bit…I mean, y’know, ever’one likes a little bit of ‘I told you so’ once in a while even when you look around ’n the mud has pretty much stuck to ever’one…it being one of those ‘the rain falls on the just ’n the unjust alike’ moments…still, I can’t help pointing out that this p’ticklar muddy rain didn’t come from our Creator but from those wonderful folks in the United States government, most specifically those Democrat folks who, following the clear directions of Nancy (what, who, me?) Pelosi, voted the damn thing into law so that we could all find out what was in it…..There, I’ve said it!   
Hope ever’one has a Happy Turkey Day irregardless….

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