Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dog Days of August...

Coffee ’n newspaper on the front porch…
these days start out warm enuff that I automatically turn on the overhead fan…paper is full of Robin Williams, as is the ‘net ’n most likely the teevee…can’t help but think that if he’d but known how many people were devastated by his decision to cross over that he might not’a done it…’course, there are a lot of people who make the self-same decision ’n devastate their friends ’n fam’ly just the same…
Ah well, he wuz a funny, funny man…

“He was born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad.” R. Sabatini

I made the mistake some time ago to let Willy sit on my lap whilst enjoying my morning coffee on the porch ’n now he’s come to expect it…he likes to face the street so’s he can warn me of impending dangers, I suspect…mostly, the chickens, I think, but he barks a lot at the bees that come buzzing ‘round the water dish on the porch…we get a lot of bees…they come for the sugar water that we have for the hummingbirds…the first one we put up wuz so popular that we put up a second one ’n then a third one….four or five hummingbirds ’n uncountable numbers of bees…seems the bees like the birdbath as well…looks like a crowded beach scene some days…
V’s Bees, which some of you know, inhabit a section of our south forty…last year wuz a bad year ’n V (Vasili Vukovich) lost about 65% of his small army but they seem t’be making a comeback this year…Bee’s are important in this life of ours, without ‘em, we might not last too long…which, if you pay any attention at all to the news pundits might just come sooner than any of us suspect….
I try not to pay undue attention to the doomsayers among us…those scholars who insist that Armageddon is just around the corner…prob’ly having coffee with Prosperity…(old joke from the previous dark days of the last century)…
Lots of dark days down in Missouri where a black kid lost his life to a white cop…made the news all around the world…I’ve heard that 96% of young black kids that are killed by gunshot are killed by other young black kids but nobody riots over them….I don’t know anything about the shooting in Missouri ’n I’m never one to rush to judgement but I blame Obama and the Democrat Party ’n their divide ’n conquer tactics for the riots…I believe that the last time our country was so divided was in 1860 and we had a civil war to settle our differences….
Talk about times trying men’s souls…..

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