“When American companys(ies) were allowed to produce their goods outside of the USA for cheap labor and lower taxes is when your freedoms started to disappear…”
I purposefully did not identify the young man who made that remark because I’m sure he didn’t think it through, which is something that all of do from time to time…
Anyway, I tend to think that we Americans began to lose our freedoms when so many of us developed the idea that our government was actually in charge of us, that by electing them to represent us, they somehow had become our bosses and gained the right to allow or deny whatever it was that we wanted to do…
“T’aint so, McGee!” Molly...
Our country, such as it is, exists because a small group of Anarchists, realizing that they couldn’t fight the British government on their own, joined forces under a contract that realized that some anarchic freedoms could not be allowed, ie; shouting fire in a crowded theater, just for an example…
Somewhere during the signing of that contract, hereinafter referred to as The Declaration of Independence, one of them made the remark that if they did not hang together, they would most assuredly hang separately!
Over the years, that basic contract has continued to stand…
What caused companies to seek other, more favorable climes (lower production costs eqals higher profits) was the ever-increasing regulations levied by our own government.
As a country, we have seen the results of unfettered capitalism which, at the turn of the 20th Century, brought on necessary regulations but now we’re seeing the result of going too far in the opposite direction…(pendulum swings)
Too many restrictive regulations not only cause companies to flee but often force smaller companies into bankruptcy or worse yet, stifle the entrepreneurship that made the USA the powerhouse that it was.
So, the young mans basic error was in assuming that our government is supposed to be in charge of us when, in fact, it’s the other way round...
Y’see, our Constitution states pretty specifically that our government is not allowed to impinge on our liberties, that the government works for us, not us for them…
In the old world (historically speaking for the educationally challenged) ie; europe, et al, countries were ruled by Monarchs, Dictators, Chancellors, ’n a plethora of Kings, great and small…a few countries had developed into parliamentary rule (think England) but the State owned everything and the people were subject to the State (think property rights)….
In this, considered The New World back then, our Constitution stated emphatically, We, the people…we own the property and the government is prohibited by Law from trespassing or otherwise interfering with us…
That’s a pretty simple statement yet it enforces the fact that our representative government works for us and not the other way round…
In the last few decades, our population has increased by leaps and bounds, many people coming from countries where the idea of private ownership of real property is prohibited except by the government and the people are subject to that government and their lifetime expectations of looking to the government was brought here with them.
Sadly, the elitists among us, those masquerading as liberal progressives, have seized upon this component and used it, fairly successfully, it seems, to remake America into a country more in line with their own ideology (think socialist states like Sweden)…
In my opinion, what these people lack is the understanding that countries like Sweden (’n to a large part, most of europe) only exists because of being subsidized by capitalist countries like the USA…
Socialist government are, by their very nature, nothing more than Ponzi schemes, an inverted pyramid that must collapse of its own weight at some point in time (witness all past efforts of such governments throughout history)…
In California, though it is not readily apparrent, our very own inverted pyramid is growing heavier almost on a daily basis~Our governor and legislature tell us how well we are doing, how unemployment is dropping, that prosperity is just around the corner, two or more cars in every garage (no gas) and a tofu chicken in every pot (if you have a pot left)…the Supreme Court says plans for a high speed rail (that only the wealthy can afford to use) can proceed…soon we’ll begin construction of tunnels under the fragile ecosystem of our Delta will transport water to our arid south (home of most of our unemployed) ’n the evil corporate farmers will have to make haste to start over in China or somewhere…
"It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things; freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them." Mark Twain
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