Wednesday, November 12, 2014

...of this 'n that 'n other things...

“There’s been a change in the weather…”

Well, not so drastic a change as they’re having back in the states…(fyi: that’s the way early Californio’s referred to the country east of the Sierra)...
The cold front that’s moving down ’n creating misery back there has brought us here in norCal slightly below temperatures for November…s’pozed to be in the high ‘60s today, sun is hiding behind the cloud cover…at least here in the valley…for all I know it could be shining brightly on the sierra…I could prob’ly find out if I’d turn on the local news…I’m just not that interested at the moment…
So o o o…it don’t really matter to Willy whether I’m innarested in going for a walk or not, when he has his mind made up, then a walk it must be…
Rusty, on that proverbial other hand, has entered a dotage (in dog years anyway) older’n mine ’n he don’t seem to care whether he does or he don’t…
spends most of his time sleeping ‘cept when he decides that he wants to go outside ’n then…’n then, I open the door for him ’n he wanders off in pursuit of whatever might be on his poodle mind…
I don’t know if you have a Habitat for Humanity Re-Store near you or not but it’s a great place to go treasure hunting…if you’ve a taste for that sort of thing….
Don’t seem to matter a helluva lot whether Obama’s stays home or travels, those little bumps in his road just keep coming…Now, it’s Gruber in the spotlight telling the world that the American voters are stupid for believing the Obamacare scam…
It’s what we’ve been saying all along…the Obama administration basically lies about everything because to them, everything is political…they lied about keeping your doctor, they lied about the death panels, they lied about fast ’n furious, they lied about Benghazi (wasn’t any real reason for lying about Benghazi but they did anyway)…They lied about the IRS…Hell, Obama his own self in that superbowl interview stated emphatically that there was ‘not a smidgen of corruption.’…
Didn’t stop there and it hasn’t stopped since…just keeps on going on…more dependable than a Timex, Obama’s lies just keep on keeping on….
Y’know, I didn’t like Obama, didn’t vote for him, basically thought he was just too inexperienced BUT, after he was elected, I thought his Presidency would be a good thing for this country by putting the final nails in the coffin of race discrimination…BOY HOWDY!  Wuz I ever wrong….
After the death of Lincoln, we had a true racist President in Andrew Johnson…He hated Negroes, Indians, Jews, Catholics…well, basically anyone who wasn’t a gen-ooo-wine Protestant American with British ancestry…’n he created the atmosphere of Jim Crow that persisted through the first half of the 20th Century…
Integration was difficult…I know…I lived through it…
The military was first to really integrate, beginning during WWII under the Roosevelt administration…prob’ly wudn’t FDR’s idea, however…we c’n thank Eleanor Roosevelt for that…and that was a good thing, a positive move that was long overdue…
Anyhow, by the time I got in the military in the mid-50’s, integration was a fait accompli…there was still some personal resentments but they were minor and containable…after the military, I attended Morehead State College and it was factually integrated…I say factually because the black students were pretty much segregated on campus, as were the Asian students…but, we made headway and when I came to California, it was even more integrated…if anything, the most segregated group in California were those of Mexican descent and that was rapidly ending…young people tend to fall in love ’n get married pretty much regardless of race and when your extended family consists of black, latino,  pacific islander, asian, etcetera ad infinitum, you just got to give up basing your opinion of others on the color of their skin….
We were doing pretty good, race-wise, and the civil rights blow-up in the ’60’s was a good thing…
But, something happened after that ’n it seemed like every time there was a relatively minor situation, there were race-hustlers ’n media to blow it all out of proportion…
I’m tired of ‘Divide ’n conquer’ politics…I’m tired of ‘special groups’…like Rodney King, I’m just wondering why we can’t just all get along????

I don’t normally ask for comments but this time, if you’ve a mind to ’n it ain’t too much trouble?????

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