Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Best Ever Christmas...

Not quite sure how it came about but seems I'm a little remiss this year and Christmas just kind'a snuck up on me...I post this story every year, generally a few days before Christmas Eve 'cause I know how busy ever'one is...I apologize for the lateness but I'm old (well, older than last year anyhow)...I hope you enjoy the story and Merry Christmas to everyone...Justin Other Smith

The following (post) is a Christmas story.  
It ain't about Santa Claus or magical elves or red-nosed reindeers.  
It ain’t about Christmas snow or a babe in a manger.  
It could be about good will among men, I s'poze, but any moralizing on my part was completely unintentional.  
I hope you'll take the time to read it 'n I hope even more that you'll enjoy it.

This p'ticklar tale is set in the sumwhat mythical town of Riverton (South Shore) in Greenup county, Kentucky, in the early fifties 'n, give or take a lie or two is more or less true...
Oh, 'n just t'be on the safe side, the names have been changed to protect the guilty.  Justin Other Smith

Old Speed’s Best-ever Christmas
a short story by Justin Other Smith

It was comin’ on to Christmas before there finally come a freeze out on Beauty Ridge. It 'ud been rainin’ off and on since the last week of October and had turned the ridge road into an impassable strip of gooey red mud. The people who lived along the ridge had gone about their own private business pretty much as usual, preparing their homes and barns for winter, stacking firewood and plugging leaks, storing up what foodstuffs they could.
When the freeze came overnight, the soft clay hardened underfoot and them as had horses or mules hitched ‘em up and made their way to town. Everybody else walked or stayed to home.
Old Speed gave goin’ to town a lotta thought. He got out a jug of his latest makin’s and had a taste or two while he pondered. Then he had a few more tastes and decided that if he was goin’, he’d better go while the goin’ was good. He got a old burlap sack and filled it with his trade liquor, hung the latch outside his door and set off on foot for town.
Now if you go by road, it’s seventeen full miles from Old Speed’s cabin to Riverton but way less than half if you cut across the ridges. Which is the path that Old Speed took.
Now you need to understand that Old Speed wasn’t actually all that old since he was just in his early forties but the life of a back-country bachelor, ‘specially a careless, some might say shiftless, kind of fellow like Old Speed c’n make a body look old beyond his years. If you know what I mean.
When Speed started out on his little trek to town, he had six Mason jars filled right to the brim in his burlap sack and a old pint bottle p’ert near to full in his pocket. The day was clear and cold and on top of the ridge, there was a sharp wind could bring tears to your eyes. Cutting across the ridges was the short way to town but it was more up and down than it was straight ahead and being a cool day like it was, why Speed took a little nip ever’ now and then just to keep himself warm.
He’d about half-finished the pint when he ran into the Smith boys. They was out lookin’ for a Christmas tree for their Mama and quarreling fit to bust ‘cause they all had in mind their own special tree they was lookin’ for and nary a one of ‘em ready to give in to the other two.
Well, Speed, of course, being neighborly, stopped to say “Howdy” and ask after their folks and ever’thing and the boys, likewise being neighborly and polite young men were only too happy to stop and pass the time of day. 
Well, one thing kind’a led to another and Old Speed offered around his pint and one of the boys had a package of store bought cigarettes that he passed around and they all stood around smokin’ and sippin’ and passin’ the time of day the way men do and before you know it, the pint was plumb empty and Speed felt obliged to get into his burlap sack and open a jar of his trade goods and pass that around and it wudn’t no time a’tall before they’d emptied that one too.
Well, Speed allowed as how it was time for him to be gettin’ a move on and the Smith boys agreed with him because they still had to find a tree for their Mama. And while they was wishin’ each other a Merry Christmas, the oldest Smith boy pulled a plug of tobacco out of his pocket and gave it to Speed sayin’ “This here’s a plug of Daddy's new tobacco and I want you to have it for Christmas.”
Well Speed thought that was real nice of him so he reached into his bag and brought out a jar of whisky and gave it to the boy saying, “Merry Christmas to you and your family and please share this with your Daddy.”
Then Speed set off again for town only now with four Mason jars full of whisky in his burlap sack. He was figurin’ in his head that six jars of whisky would have brought him eighteen dollars and he could’a spent a couple nights in the hotel and had holiday supper besides. Now he only had four jars and that would only bring him twelve dollars. That wuz enuff, he figured that he c’ud still spend one night at the hotel and have holiday supper if he was careful.
On the other hand, it seemed to be gettin’ colder and he had developed an awful thirst for some reason. And if he was to open another jar, he’d still have three jars and at three dollars apiece, he’d still have.........nine dollars and if he was to lay out and skip the hotel, he could still have a nice holiday supper and more besides.
So he opened a jar. And he had a little sip. And another. 'Cause it was awful cold and he still had a long way to go. He was walkin’ and sippin’ and sippin’ and walkin’ and the more he sipped, the more sideways he got 'til he probably doubled the miles he had to walk. And it seemed like the more he sipped, the thirstier he got so when he finally stumbled into Riverton some hours later, it was gettin’ pretty dark.
Now the little town was all lit up for Christmas with lights strung all along the little shops and Roberson’s General Store really decked out for the holiday with window decorations just like the big stores in the city across the river. There was a Christmas tree with gaily wrapped packages piled beneath and a model train set chugging ‘round and 'round. In the corner sat a jolly Santa Claus holding a long Christmas list and Mrs. Claus peering over his shoulder.
Now it just so happened that me and Dog Wooten and Red Bill were standin’ on the corner when we saw Old Speed comin’ down the street. He had a burlap sack slung across his shoulder and we could hear the glass clinking as he stumbled and stuttered and generally took up a lot more of the right of way than any walking person would normally lay claim to.
Red nudged Dog, "Bet Old Speed’s got whisky in that sack.”
Red was seventeen and older than me and Dog by about a year 'n some, and he had lived out on Beauty Ridge for a couple years when he was younger.
"Folks on the ridge got no money this time of year,” he went on. "Old Speed’s run out of customers, had to come to town to peddle his whisky.”
"Well lemme see,” I said, “I’ve got about.......uh, not a penny. How ‘bout you, Dog?”
"Probably got the same” replied Dog. “I guess Red’ll have to get us some of that whisky if we’re gonna have any.”
Now the three of us had spent the biggest part of the evening in Pop’s Poolroom where we had swilled soda pop and shot pool until we’d all run out of money which basically meant that we’d each had a bottle of pop and a couple games of pool before we were dead broke. I’d started the evening with two bits, bought a Pepsi for a nickel, lost two games of pool and sat on a bench waitin’ for Dog and Red to lose their money.
Which, of course, is how we come to be standin’ on the corner watchin’ the world pass by, which now that I think on it, is an occupation common to the very rich and the very poor ‘cuz working folk just ain’t got the necessary time for it.  It was getting colder and spitting snow and I was about ready to head for home when we saw Speed staggering down the street.
"Hey Speed!” cried Red. “Come to town for Christmas?”
"Who’s that?” Speed asked, swaying to a halt, his burlap sack swinging, the jars clinking.
"Red Bill” grinned Red. “What’s in the bag? Christmas presents?”
"Well ....” said Speed, "It was just some whisky I brung to town to sell for Christmas but I think it’s pretty much gone by now.”
He swung the bag around, opened it and searched inside, coming up with a quart Mason jar about half-full of what looked to me to be water. He unscrewed the cap, took a drink and offered it to Red.
"Ain’t enough left to sell” he said. "You might as well have a Christmas drink on Old Speed.”
Red lifted the jar to his lips, tilted his head back and poured some down his throat. When he lowered it, he blinked his eyes a couple times, coughed and handed the jar to Dog.
"That’s good stuff” he said.
Dog sniffed the jar, took a couple sips and agreed, "Smooth as silk, Speed” he said. "Thank you.”
And he handed the jar to me. Now right here, I have to confess that I’d never tasted whisky before. I’d had some beer but that was all. I looked at the jar, sniffed at it the way Dog had, like I knew what I was doin. It didn’t look like much and didn’t smell like much neither.  I leaned into the corner of the building, out of the wind, and lifted the jar to my mouth and took a deep swallow. I mean a big, deep, swallow. And I got to tell you.....I have no idea what that stuff tasted like going down. But it went down my throat into my gullet where it did a quick u-turn and came boiling back up. Out of my mouth. My nose. I swear I think it might’a come out’a my eyes and my ears too. And it made a stone believer out of this old boy ‘cause to this very day, I don’t drink moonshine liquor.
Anyway, when they got through laughing at me, Red and Speed finished off the last of it.
Speed said, "Boys, I want to have myself a Christmas dinner and I ain’t got no money and no liquor to sell.”
And he reached way down in his pants somewhere and pulled out a big old pistol.
"How much will you give me for this here short gun?”
"Lemme see that” said Red. He grabbed the pistol and broke it open, peered through the barrel, snapped it back together and spun it on his finger like in the cowboy movies. It was an old gun with the bluing ‘most all gone and the hand grips wrapped with tattered black electrical tape and while I ain’t all that bright oftentimes, I don’t think I’d’a fired that pistol.
"We ain’t got no money, Speed” said Red, “but if you was to take it in the La-Z-Boy Shoppe there, Clyde might buy it. Or maybe loan you some money against it.”
Now the thing is, about twenty minutes before Speed showed up, the old Chief had gone into the La-Z-Boy. Old Chief Roy was Town Marshall of Riverton and he stopped at the La-Z-Boy Shoppe ever’ night about this time and had coffee and doughnuts.  Chief Roy was an old-time lawman who was working in Riverton ‘cause he and Mrs. Chief couldn’t live on his retirement.
He carried a long-barrelled, double-action .44 caliber revolver with engraved nickel plating and ivory handles that belonged in a museum. And he had no problem using it. 
When Red suggested to Speed that he take his old gun into the La-Z-Boy, I’m almost sure that it never crossed his mind that the old Chief might just take it in his mind to draw his own pistol and shoot Speed dead on the spot.
Which of course, he didn’t. He could’a but what he did was draw that old pistol and go upside Speed’s head and knock him colder than a well-diggers butt and drag his carcass off to jail.
The Riverton jail wudn’t nothin’ but an old cinderblock building with a dinky little office and a bathroom and one cell. It was kind of a lonely place to be, considering the time of year and all. And cold. And cheerless, too. And the Old Chief’s wife was a soft hearted woman and she just couldn’t stand the thought of Speed lying in a cell in an otherwise empty jail and she darn sure didn’t want her husband sitting down there keeping his one prisoner company on Christmas. So.......she made the Chief bring him home for dinner.
And she went all out! She and the Chief never had any kids of their own and it had been a long time since they had anyone else to share their holidays with. She made a humonguous dinner. Turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce, potatoes and gravy, corn and peas, fresh baked bread, two or three different kind of pies and a cake. And all served up on her good china that I don’t think had seen the light of day for years.
And she just bloomed. Now everybody knew the old Chief ‘cause he was out and about all the time but his Missus was kind of a stay at home and a lot of people in town had never even seen her, let alone meet and talk to her. 
All that changed that Christmas. The three of them were in church together. Speed, almost unrecognizable in one of the Chiefs old suits. The Chief, himself, all dressed up in the suit that he wore when he had to testify in court and the Chief’s wife, like Minnie Pearl, “just as proud to be there.”
After the season was over, I mean, after bringing in the New Year and all, the old Chief and his wife loaded Speed into the Chief’s Ford and delivered him back to his cabin out on Beauty Ridge.
I’d like to say that was just the first of many holidays that the three of them spent together and if this whole entire little story was just something that I made up out’a whole cloth, that’s probably what I would say. But the truth is that this was the one and only time it ever happened. 
It was a long time ago and they’re all three of them dead now but I still remember Old Speed sayin’ "Boys, I gotta tell you that was the best Christmas ever.”

Monday, December 21, 2015

Just another rainy Monday...

Just walkin’ in the rain…
T’ain’t like rain back in the ‘states where God opens the nozzle wide ’n soaks ever’thing…No sir, out here in the Golden State, it’s more of a fine spray, a cold wind-driven piercing, needle-like spray…(Willy don’t care)…
So, we started out as per usual, Willy with his tail curled over his backside, running from one side of the street to the other, looking, I presume, for the smells that aren’t there this 2nd morning of rain…when we got to the park, the pit bull that lives therein (fortunately accompanied by his owner who also seems to live in the park) took umbrage at Willy this morning ’n lunged to the length of his leash (tethered, thank goodness) ’n scared the crap out of little Willy…so much so that, shortly thereafter, we had to make two pit stops…after that, Willy shook it off ’n we proceeded to the barbershop where he got two treats this day…Jon the barber expressed a little surprise that we were out on such a blustery day but I pointed out that Willy just doesn’t care…
Anyhow, Christmas is drawing ever more nigh…people (she who must be obeyed, among ‘em) are rushing hither ’n yon…
Hither ’n yon are two words you almost never hear except late in December but they do go together well….sort of like horse ’n carriage ’n love ’n marriage…anyway, t’is a good day to hunker down ’n have another cup of coffee….

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Calloo, Callay.....

My favorite comic strip...

A dampish day...
After the rain of yesterday, beginning in the evening and continuing thru’out the nite ’n early morn, Willy ’n I finally went for our stroll around Ol Fair Oaks…pools of water for him to walk thru as tho’ they weren’t there (means I gotta wipe his paws when we get home~he’s so inconsiderate sometimes)..all the trees reluctant to give up their leaves ’n doing so grudgingly…damp matted leaves are darn slick…not so much for little dogs, but for grouchy old men…
Ah well, it’s Saturday ’n Xmas madness is upon the land…steely-eyed women charging in ’n out of stores, clutching bag ’n baggage as tho’ a bad guy lurked behind every parked car to take them by force…Only a truly idiot bad guy would want the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th hand treasure that came out of ‘Antique Stores’ that line the main drag of Fair Oaks…
I do my very best to avoid the malls altho’ I will, now ’n then, assume the role of driver…I generally take the opportunity to break out the old flip phone ’n call old friends…not always, mind you, sometimes I just take a nap…well, it’s Xmas time for old friends also ’n insanity reigns across the land…

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The weather is fine, thank you very much.....

Bright, sunshiny day here in Ol Fair Oaks…

Willy ’n I took our morning constitutional a ‘tad early this morning (got to squeeze in a couple dump runs t’day)…
Willy, of course, as befits a dog ’n Willy is a dog whether he knows it or not, runs, meanders really, with his nose to the ground searching, of course, for food…food being his main focus in general…
And therein lies the problem…we found too durn much food…idiot freaks drive down our little street tossing out food scraps for to feed the poor starving chickens ’n squirrels…we got some of the fattest darn chickens ’n squirrels (not to mention skunks, raccoons, pigeons ’n what-not you ever did see…I wuz just telling someone t’other day that I wish’t my friend Karl ‘Eddie’ Phillips could come out here with his squirrel gun for a few weeks or so…he could eat squirrel every day…we got scads of grey squirrels, even more red squirrels…there are some who think the red squirrels are really chipmonks but we got them too…mostly in the park… 
I told Jon the barber that the village needs a Village Cop to hand out tickets to the idiots that litter the streets with food scraps…
We have a Mayor altho’ I have no idea who he or she is this year…it’s a ceremonial position given to whosoever raises enough cash donations (sounds like a real live politician, don’t it)…if we wuz to extrapolate that, we could have ourselves a Village Cop, a Village Judge and a Village Mayor…I s’poze we could also have a Village Idiot but I’m not sure how that position should be chosen…
Anyhow, I’ve got to head out for White Rock dump while the weather holds….hope ever’one has a really nice day…..

Monday, December 14, 2015

   How US negotiators ensured landmark Paris climate deal was Republican-proof…
I don’t know if democrats believe climate change (global warming) or republicans are the greatest threat to the world…they obviously don’t think Radical Islamic Extremists that spend their days raping and murdering in the name of Allah are much of a threat…’Swiftboat John’ Kerry, the Obama nominee for Lackey of the year (shown above) cuts a fine figure, posing for the cameras…I believe he even got some of his famous hair cut back a trifle…(I think trifle is a really good word to describe John Kerry who, by the by, is not Irish despite the name)...
After the perceived ‘success’ of The Climate Change summit, the global warming Henny Penny’s of the world are out in force again…Their mantra, their version of ‘The sky is falling…”Last year was the hottest year on record and next year is forecast to be even hotter.”

       th.jpeg Away back when Al Goracle figured out that he could get even richer by screaming ‘Fire’ in the crowded theater of our little blue planet, he (and the ubiquitous they) called it ‘Global Warming’…when that book didn’t sell, they changed the title to ‘Climate Change’ and, lo ’n behold, they had a best-seller…of course, climate change is for real, the weather changes constantly, moment by moment and we had gone for millenia with lots of people complaining but as Twain ’n Rogers ’n even Justin Other Smith, pointing out, “No one ever does anything about it.”…Most of humanity is so concerned with just getting through the day that they (we) are content (most of the time) with leaving the Big Picture to those individuals who truly want to be seen as the leaders of the grand parade…(doesn’t really matter if they actually lead only that they get to be in front so that those on the sidelines will see them as leaders)…Now those who love to march at the front of the grand parade are telling us that fossil fuels are the key to ‘controlling’ the weather…t’ain’t true, of course, but you can fool all of the people some of the time...a little confusing but, to each his own, I guess... 
   th-1.jpegWhether you call it Progressive liberalism or Social Democracy or just plain old Karl Marx Communism, they, now calling themselves Progressive Liberals, learned early to never, never, never stray from the playbook…AA (alcoholics anonymous) has what they term ‘a program’…they tell members that it isn’t necessary to actually believe in their talking points but, if they will only follow The Twelve Steps, they will work for them and that old devil ‘Booze’ will be defeated…and it works…over and over again and again…’becuz Mr.Booze is damn persistent, sort’a like liberals...

Words 'n stuff...

Kind’a whistles when you say it, ‘specially if you hang on to the first part a bit...
Visssssss…ceral!  Or if you repeat it rapidly…vis-ceral, vis-ceral, vis-ceral!…
Lot of interesting words in ‘our’ language…well, y’know, it’s basically English ’n French with a soupcon of German and then a whole stew of words from languages all around the globe…we’re very democratic here in the good ole US of A, seeing as how we’re descended from immigrants from every nation around our little globe...
But, for today, I’m talking about a word that has been over-used by the talking heads ’til I just wanted to…well, putting it nicely…vent about it...
Visceral:  • relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect!  It also refers to the nervous system which if probably why what I considered to be over-use triggered this rant…or, baby rant because I’m not really upset that our talking heads are seeking new ways to express themselves…(what I’m really tired of is all the durn propagandizing but that’ll wait for another day ’n time)
But when they do find a ‘new’ word, they can’t seem to help themselves, they just have to work it into the script no matter what…
                        One of them will come up with a word that no one has used in a few years…for example, a word like ‘detritus’ which got really, really popular a couple years ago…Anyway, I bet’cha I’ve heard the word ‘visceral’ used more times this week than in the past five years…maybe ten…maybe more ‘cause when I think on  it, visceral is not a word that you’re apt to hear in ever’day conversation, kind’a difficult to express those deep inward feelings in casual conversation...
Pundits and talking heads have a few things in common tho’ and 
More ’n more, I find m’self talking to my little dog, Willy…he’s just about smart enuff that sometimes he seems as tho’ he’s paying attention…but I’ve been around the block a time or three ’n I know that a dog’s attention span is pretty firmly hitched to whether or not you carry dog treats around with you…One of those old sayings that you don’t hear much anymore is ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’…I think that was just my grandma’s way of stating that men are pretty much dogs ’n if they’re treated as such, the world is a happier place…
If you think on it, a dog’s life ain’t all that bad IF they get treated like dogs…food, water, a warm place to sleep, the world for a bathroom…sound’s a lot like Tom Sawyer or my childhood in Beattyville…
I had a long conversation with an old friend t’other day…we were talking about other old friends ’n she remarked that she remembered some of those things somewhat differently that they remembered…I told her that my memory was just fine, at least on the things that I actually remembered…those things I forgot, well everybody forgets things…it’s human nature...s

Friday, December 11, 2015

To Trump or not to Trump, that is the question....

I’m not a big fan of Donald Trump…I think he’s a bit of a blowhard, the man likes to blow his own horn and he has an annoying habit of referring to himself in the 3rd person which I tend to think of as juvenile…sophmoric, if you will…
That said, he’s a really successful businessman, a graduate (as he keeps reminding everyone) of the ‘Prestigious’ Wharton School of Economics…me, I’m a graduate of McKell High School that use’ta be in South Shore, Ky and a less than reknown dropout of Morehead University, so The Donald (another way he likes to refer to himself) and I have very little in common…other than being old white men (I’m older)…
So, while I can’t say I’m a supporter of Trump for President, I can’t say that I’m dead set against it…he’s certainly more qualified than the current occupant of that office AND he appears to be ‘way more  honest than Hillary (proven liar) Clinton whose claim to ‘experience’ is as false as the smile she puts on for photo ops…
What I’m saying is that if Trump ends up as the republican nominee for President, I won’t have any trouble voting for him…and if those who like to think of themselves as Kingmakers, the Old Guard Republicans who seem to be threatening a brokered convention to deny the nomination of the ‘wrong’ person (at least in their estimation) have the temerity to deny the will of the people, they should re-think or risk losing their way in the wilderness, sort of rafting down a river of no return….

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The gospel least as far as I know.....

I wudn't want anyone to misunderstand me...
See, I almost always tell the gospel truth and nuthin’ but…I mean, at least most of the time, all the time.  I’m a great believer in the truth ’n I just wudn’t tell a lie, nosirreeBob….telling a lie just goes clean ag’in the grain, I’m telling you ’n besides my Momma learned me better when I wuz just a boy...
Now, that said, I don’t see anything wrong with putting your best foot forward, if you know what I mean…a body gets all dressed up in his Sunday go to meeting clothes to go to church, now don’t he?  And when he gets to church and praises the Lord, you just know that’s the gospel coming out, ever’ word of it ’n you could just bet the farm on it, or you could if you wuz a mind to…
The stories I tell, ’n I don’t mind sharing with you, ain’t my own personal adventures…no sir, they happened to other folk for the most part ’n I wuz told them ’n I just like to pass ‘em on…’course, I have it on the very best authority that they’re the gospel truth ‘cuz I wuz told that by the people their own selves…
Like the story about the mule that got stuck in the mud for three days…the old boy that told me that tale wuz my very own cousin…well, my daddys first cousin which ‘ud make him my second cousin, I think, though he may have been a third cousin…no matter, he wuz sure and certain a cousin ’n he had no reason that I could ascertain to lie to me about such an improbable thing as a mule getting stuck in that clay mud out there on Beauty Ridge…
                   I happened to tell that very story to an old friend of mine out here in California…now that may sound like he’s been a friend of mine forever ’n a day or so but that ain’t quite the truth…fact is, he’s a friend and he’s old, older ’n me, so that’s why I call him an old friend…he use’ta be a policeman back in the day down there in the Peoples Republic of Berkeley ’n when he retired from that, he went to teaching a class in criminology ’n he’s a little on the suspicious side…when I told him about Cousin Ballard and the mule being stuck in that clay mud for three days ’n having to be dug out by Grandpa John Sam Smith ’n my Daddy, he had to think on it for a bit ’n he says to me, he says, “It sounds like the truth but three days is a long time. Are you sure about your facts.” 
Well, I tho’t about Bill Clinton ’n what he might reply to a question like that, so I just said “it all depends on what you mean by facts.”….
After that, y’know, I had to show him proof that I wuz a registered republican…I swear, some people are just born suspicious….Justin Other Smith

Saturday, December 5, 2015

So all the young'uns was s'pozed to come help with the Xmas tree thing, but kidz being kidz....

Christmas, 2015...

Anyways, Christmas is coming to town ’n like it or not, there ain’t anything anyone c’n do about it…now, I kind’a like Christmas m’self, always have, hopefully, always will altho’ you just never know…also, I wrote about my feelings for Christmas a long time ago ’n not by nature, being a wasteful type, I like to re-cycle when possible…and every year, I’ve found it possible so here we go again…I hope you’ll enjoy it…
The Truth about Christmas
by Justin Other Smith

 “Whatta ya mean, there’s no Santa Claus? Of course there’s a Santa Claus. I’ve talked to him. Sat on his lap. Wrote him a letter at the North Pole. Mailed it up the chimney. My Mom helped me. And Mom’s don’t lie.”
 Uh-oh! Trauma time! Why do adults persist in perpetuating the myth of Santa Claus? Every year, millions of good little boys and girls are traumatized when their classmates tell them, “There ain’t no Santa Claus, you dope.”
 Every year, some mean-spirited yahoo (euphemism for you know what) has a pressing need to tell children the TRUTH about Christmas. Last year, it was a grade school teacher. And her employers, the parents, weren’t even allowed to fire her. And now, we have entire schools that are so politically correct that even tho’ Christmas is a federal holiday, the children are being told they cannot wish each other a Merry Christmas...’n Christmas trees are s’pozed to be called Holiday trees...which only proves that knowledge without understanding is meaningless...
 Of course, when the kids get a little older, these same grinches tell them the same truth about God. They tell them the truth about Evolution, how we all crawled out of the slime together. And that’s the TRUTH!
 Now, they all admit that they weren’t there themselves, but Darwin figured it all out and it’s the SCIENTIFIC TRUTH!
 I’ve got to be truthful and state right up front that I’ve only read a tiny little bit of Charles Darwin, mainly because he was a really boring writer and I kept losing my place and falling asleep, but I’m sure that all the teachers who preach Darwinism as gospel never had that problem. I’m sure they could quote chapter and verse where God said, “Now listen up, Chuck, and I’ll tell you the real story. None of that Adam and Eve jive. Just the whole truth and nothin’ but...”
 We say that people who believe implicitly whatever they are told are naive so whether you accept the biblical view of Creation or Darwin’s theory of Evolution, or Clement Moore’s Night before Christmas, it seems to me that they are all arguable concepts. You should believe whatever you want. It’s nobodys business but your own.
 But, if you’re at all interested, I believe in Santa Claus. I like to believe in him. It makes me feel good to believe in him. And I think I’d be a fool to give up a belief that makes me feel good about myself, my family, and my fellow man.
 Merry Christmas to all…Justin Other Smith (nee David  Smith)

Friday, December 4, 2015

We were walking through the park 'n I told Willy...

Whils’t strolling thru the park t’day…
Lots of leaves on the ground after yesterday’s pretty good rainfall altho’ I noticed that the young lady who was raking Plaza Park had done a really good job, picking up not only the fallen leaves but also the palm fronds that had littered our fair green ’n she was out there again today…
Well, that’s all in preparation for this coming weekends ‘Christmas in the Park ‘ celebration that supposedly kicks off The Christmas Season here in Old Fair Oaks and ends with the lighting of the…dare we say Christmas lights or p’haps, holiday lights, so as not to offend…
Oh, what the hell, let’s just call ‘em Christmas lights ’n be done with it…
In case anyone has missed it, I’m really, really over with all the PC nonsense…
Lets’s face, if it accomplished nothing else, all the nonsensical bullshit on campus’s (campi) around the country where the super-thinskinned  students screamed and yelled and generally made complete and utter asses of themselves…(at huge expense to their parents or maybe to all of us if they’re doing it on borrowed money that they have no intention of ever re-paying)...
Once upon a time, I recall...(remember, I'm old) ethnic jokes were popular...some of them were funny but many were really mean-spirited and not particularly funny but people told them...along with sexist jokes and jokes about disabilities...(humor is often mean-spirited)...
The point is, they told them...they came under the heading of 'free speech'...they could be mean and hurtful but they existed and people dealt with it...dealing with bullies is the same whether it's verbal or physical ...Bullies, as a general rule, tend to have a worse problem than their victims...
I don't know that we could, or should, return to those thrilling days of yesteryear but it definitely is past time to get past the current thin-skinned crybaby response (Can anyone explain to me why a joke meant to offend an entire ethnic group only offends a very few)…T’is a puzzlement!
And you know, when you can offend someone by mentioning a color, white, black, brown, red, yellow...that's absurd.  I seem to recall a movie where a Polish guy pretended to be Italian so he could seduce a Spanish girl who was pretending to be Italian...(It was actually a funny movie)...
I don’t know many of Irish descent that are offended by the image of a steroeotypical drunken Leprechaun even tho’ it’s patently true that no one in this modern world has ever seen a Leprechaun altho’ drunken Irishmen may abound which doesn’t seem too likely in this age of potent grasses…(Could Cheech ’n Chong even make ‘Nice Dreams’ today?)…
Ah well, when we have an affirmative action President afraid to insult Muslims by calling Islamic Terrorism, Islamic…I think it was Alice who said, “curiouser and curiouser.”…I mean, these people are Muslims, adherents of the religion of Islam and they have declared Jihad, a holy war by their own definition, against us and the rest of the non-Muslim world which is pretty much a definition of Islamic Terrorism…A lot of people are calling Obama delusional but back in the time ’n place where I come from, they’d just say that he has his head stuck so far up his ass that he can’t see daylight…
Ah well, I just get frustrated and have to vent, y’know…Way back when Obama was first elected, I thought it was probably a good thing, that the USA had truly got over the racism that so heavily marked the 19th Century, that we really were, at long last, that shining city on the hill that our forebears had in mind when they launched the Grand Experiment that became The United States of America…(I’m an old man ’n I’m cynical ’n I know that was never actually the case, but hope springs eternal, the ubiquitous ‘they’ say….)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Altered states and other egoisms......

Okay, so Justin Other Smith is not the name I was born with…I’m really David Martin Smith from South Shore, Ky…
The ‘Nom de Plume’  (pen name) of Justin Other Smith goes back to a cowboy comic book that appeared after WWII…There was a serialized story in that comic, featuring a Texas character by the name of  Justin Other Smith…I, being a Smith, and being approximately ten years old, was impressed, enamored, uh….I liked the name and I appropriated it for my own self…and there you have the gist of it.

Somewhere around that same age, my Mother taught me that lying is really a dumb thing to do and results in unwanted consequences…and let me tell 'ya, being spanked and upbraided by my Mother was really an unwanted consequence…I’ve been a great believer in truth ever since…
However, there are moments, exceedingly rare, of course, when I agree with Mr. Mark Twain (nee Samuel Langhorne Clemens) that sometimes there is nothing quite so satisfying as an old-fashioned, honest to goodness lie…
That being said, as a young man, I wrote a couple poems that I basically didn’t want anyone to know that I had written and there were a few anecdotes that I put down on paper and likewise, didn’t want to take credit for them…so, in a burst of inspiration, Justin Other Smith began to form a life of his own…
It didn’t go very well for him for a long time as I tended to be a little embarrassed by my acquaintance with the admittedly somewhat raffish old fool and basically didn’t want to acknowledge his existence... 
And then, as luck would have it, I got old...and not much embarrasses an old man…And Justin Other Smith, being a magnificent failure as a poet, a novelist and essayist, was still able to express his opinions in such a manner that David , well, David simply wouldn't say things like that...
When I (David Smith) was diagnosed with lymphoma back in ’06, daughter Kellye suggested that I write a blog to keep family and friends current with my progress and, to that end, helped me create my blog and also  got me started on Facebook…under the psuedonym of Justin Other Smith…
 And so it stayed until recently when Facebook, for whatever reason, shut me down…in order to come back to Facebook, I had to re-register under my birth name and show them a copy of my California drivers license…
So, friends and friends of friends of Justin (me) I am still on Facebook and I will post some things as myself but mostly I will continue to post as Justin Other Smith because I’ve come to like the irascible old fool and when you’re old and getting older (hopefully) it ain’t easy being green. Which is a direct steal from Kermit the Frog….

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Millennials amongst us....


So, an article in the Bee about ‘The Millennial Generation tickled my funnybone…They do seem t’be so very full of themselves…Like a high school cheer society, “WE  ARE THE MILLENNIALS” kind’a thing….they do tend to have an extremely high opinion of themselves…much like their fearless leader, Barry Obama, the Narcisissist in Chief…who is being referred to by more and more reg’lar people as ‘delusional’…
I got to thinking about this when I wuz asked,  “What generation I belonged to??? “  Didn’t really understand what he wuz asking at first, had to think about it for a few minutes…A somewhat elderly woman who happened t’be there, said  “You know, like the ‘Lost Generation or the Silent Generation.”  
I’m slow but I finally got the gist of the question, it wuz the ‘lost generation’ allusion that ‘splained it all to me…I’ve been a Hemingway fan for years ’n years ’n while I maybe ain’t read ever’thing there is to read about Hemingway ’n Fitzgerald ’n the fun ’n games that went on in Paris after The Great War (for all you novices, that refers to WWI ’n not II)…even tho’ it’s become popular to refer to the participants in II as The Greatest Generation…which came from a book by Tom Brokaw, I believe, altho’ I don’t know who came up with the title, probably an unknown Millennial since they seem t’be the ones who seem to have fallen in love with the idea of self-classification…I think it began with the X generation, except they call it X-Gen ’n I”m never quite sure who belongs to that club but I blame it on my age…
Anyway, the guy who asked me (’n I’ll let him remain nameless)  if I wuz part of The Great Generation or if I wuz a ‘baby boomer’…’n all the lights were working then ‘cuz I know who ’n what the ‘baby boomers’ are…they’re the ones who have to pay for my Social Security ’n they’re not sure who’s going to pay for theirs…Anyway, I’m too old t’be part of the Hippy generation…I guess I came along at the tag end of the ‘Beat’ generation so if I absolutely have to have a tag, I guess that’ud be it…reminds me of an old country song by a fellow name of Little Jimmy Dickens called, “Take an old, cold potato ’n wait” (sumthing like that) becuz he wuz too young to sit at the adult table…so for all of us who got ourselves born in the late ‘30s, too young t’be part of the Great Generation ’n too old t’be part of the Boomers just got stuck at the kids table for life…just goes to prove that no matter where you go, there you are….
And that’s the drivel that comes out of a late night brain…..

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Ah, Hell.....

I ain't got a clue as to what this 5:00 in the a.m. thing is about...

it’s like an internal clock sez, “Get the hell up, Smitty”…not like I want to be ‘up’…I want to be asleep…damn roosters are crowing, I suppose because the guy who delivers the papers drove by ’n disturbed them…they’re all a little neurotic anyway…can’t blame them, I suspect…living on the verge of wild as they do…it’s only the verge of wild, y’understand, ‘cause most of them are quite tame, don’t even bother to run from Willy…
Willy ain’t all that scary, what with his short legs, belly and nose to the ground thing going for him…if the chickens don’t run, he ignores them…
People drive by in cars, stop ’n toss bird seed out the window and drive away….sometimes, they come with cameras ready, taking pics of the chickens…gotta wonder what the hell they do with all the chicken pics…
The paper guy delivers the SacBee (which I’m still getting tho’ I’m not sure why) and the Wall St Journal which I get because they have a special going on…twelve weeks for twelve dollars (worth every penny too)…
No comix in the Journal but their real estate and fashion ads almost make up for that…real estate is all in the totally absurd range, millions ’n millions of dollars for mountaintop hideaways in the heart of Noo York City and two hundred dollar flannel shirts, the kind with the little dinky, not much use for anything, pockets…(I normally use a politically incorrect, derogatory and hurtful term, to describe the clothing but I’ve been called on the carpet so often about it that I’ll skip it this morning)…
Even when the Journal (as us folk like to call it) special runs out and they revert to their normal price, they’ll still be cheaper than ‘The Bee ‘ which never was much of a paper and has only gotten worse over the years…the one that was delivered on Turkey Day was a skimpy little old thing with nothing inside but it was pretty much lost in the multitude of ads….pounds and pounds of paper trying to seduce me into buying something…I gathered up all the ads, lugged them out to the re-cycle bin and tossed them…got my re-cycle barrel so full I’m gonna need to tamp it down…damn holiday ads anyway…It’s 5 :25 in the a.m. and I’m going back to bed…have a wunnerful, wunnerful as the old maestro use’ta say…..

Friday, November 27, 2015

It’s the day after Turkey Day ’n I’m still a little full of m’self…
There are people that’ll tell you that I’ve been full of m’self for years ’n years but we’ll just let that pass…
Not much in The Nooze this day…this so-called ‘Black Friday’ when people rush the stores to fight ’n squabble over tinsel ’n glitter…
We Americans seem always to want more…It's probably not entirely an American thing, y’understand, it’s just that we seem to be so good at wanting more…we already seem to have more than almost everyone else in the world ’n for some reason, it ain’t enough…can’t quite figure that out but then I’ve always been a little slow that-a-way…sometimes I’ll wake up in the middle of the night laughing because I just got the joke that was told earlier in the evening…
Anyway, the unbridaled shopping seems to have a violent edge to it that has at least slowed down the protestors…or perhaps, they’re all fighting to get their piece of the Black Friday goodies bag...
And speaking of protestors, I’m  just plain tired of 'em…really, really tired of ‘em.  And how come it just seems to be only black protests…Oh sure, there are whites mixed in with them, at least in the ones that get televised…
I’m kind’a wondering if it’s always the same group of people who just travel around the country protesting…
Wonder what they get paid for being a ‘professional’ protestor?  Is it part-time only or do they have full time positions? Do they get a bonus when for doing something so outrageous that it gets more‘face-time’ on television?  Do they get paid extra for breaking and entering on live television?  Do they get to keep the merchandise they steal or do they have to give it back at the end of the demonstration? Just some of the questions that I'd ask before I'd fill out an application...
I know it isn’a ‘only’ just the blacks…but you hardly ever see or hear about Asians or Mexicans involved in these things…and the poor Indians, the ones who insist on being called ‘Native Americans’ as though they’re the only people born on this continent…Heck!  I’m a native American…so is everyone else who was born here…along with all those Canadians…they’re native Americans also…and we shouldn’t forget those millions born South of the border…they’re native Americans also…wouldn’t it be a hoot if they had a ‘Native American Day’ and…well, Hellfire ’n Damnation, I suppose every day is really native American day ’n most of us are too darn busy to celebrate…
I don’t suppose the stores ‘ud go for it anyway…ain’t like they could have gigantic sales every day of the year…nothing special about that…they’d have to come up with Extra-Special Day Sales Events to generate interest…
They didn’t do such things when I was a boy…the stores had a hard time coming up with enough merchandise to stock their shelves…some merchants would hold back stuff for their favored customers in those long-ago days when there was more demand than supply…
Of course, there was the excuse that there was a war going on and stuff was rationed…stuff like sugar and oils and…well, just damn near ever’thing that a body could think of…don’t know how we managed to get by, let alone be happy without all the stuff that we have today…
The protestors of this era have a lot of ‘stuff’…they all seem to have Smart phones with cameras so that they can film all the abuse they suffer at the hands of the police (film at eleven, y’know)…and they all have big screen teevees, or seem to, I don’t really know…
I don’t have a big screen television m’self but that’s a personal choice…I don’t really care a lot for television…I blame it on my Mother ‘cause she taught me to read at an early age ’n I’d still rather read a book, a real book rather than watch television…It ain’t that I don’t enjoy some of the stuff they show, I do, I like to sit with Millyrose in the evening and watch sitcoms and shoot’em ups ’n mysteries…some of the mysteries are a mystery as to how they got televised in the first place but that’s, as they say, another story…
I don’t know if I’ve said anything in the preceding dialogue but I certainly hope so and if you were offended, please let me know so that perhaps I’ll be able to offend you again in the future…my hope is to please, y’know…or maybe you don’t know…possibly you’ll take offence at that…one can only hope...

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving (Turkey day)...

Here it is, Thanksgiving Day, Two Thousand and Fifteen…deserves as OMG! fer sure…
I spoke with some old friends the last few days…grateful that I still have some to talk with, even more grateful that I’ve had a lot of friends over the years and that the memories will last at least as long as me…
My earliest memories of Thanksgiving are centered around my grandparents, John Sam and Nora Smith and the log cabin home they had in West Portsmouth…it was called Nauvoo back in those long ago days…(I recall some of their earlier homes but there was an impermanence about them that didn’t exist with the place in Nauvoo)…
They had a big round table for the adults and a smaller table for me, my brother ’n my cousins…I’m not sure at what age I got to move to the large table but I can (almost) remember the feeling…same kind of feeling when I turned 16 and got a drivers license…(milestone events they’re called, no matter how minor)...
My Grandfather drank his coffee black and he ‘saucered’ it…for those of you who might not know what that means, saucering consisted of spilling some of the hot coffee from the cup to the saucer thereby cooling it so it could be sipped, though in my case, it was probably slurped…I was about 5 years old, I think, when I decided I wanted my coffee like my Grandfather…
Thanksgiving can mean anything that anyone wants it to mean (one of the benefits of simply being born an American) but for me, it means family and friends and the collected memories of my life…a time to reflect, a time to enjoy, a time to remember, a time to be grateful for everyone who has been a part of my life….HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

If you spend too much time looking behind you, you'll probably fall down.....

Wonder what it is with this 5 o’clock in the morning stuff…damn internal clock is out’a whack, I guess…ev’ry morning, around 4 thirty in the a.m. the durn eyes pop open ’n I stare into the dark wondering why I’m awake…
This morning, it was my shoulder…the right shoulder…the one the Dr told me all I need do was exercise it a bit with one of those stupid yellow rubber bands that sporting goods stores market to millenials ’n demented old people…
What works better, or at least seems a helluva lot more easier is to just get out of bed ’n go in search of an Ibuprofen tablet…I don’t like taking pills of any sort because I found out while doing the chemo thing that all pills have side effects (not sure why it took me so long to realize what the  pharmicists have been saying for decades~guess I’ve always been a slow learner ’n just didn’t want to face up to it)…anyway, Ibuprofen works!  Not sure what it may be doing to me otherwise but I can pop a pill ’n in about 20 minutes or so, the pain goes away ’n I get sleepy ’n go back to bed…then, of course, I don’t want to get out of bed too early because I’ve had enough worms in my life ’n I figure it’s time to let someone else get them….
Anyway, PJ, if you’re up ’n at ‘em, I hope you had a really good birthday and if you feel like overeating tomorrow, you should go for it…
I’d like to wish all my friends ’n acquaintances a Happy ’n Bountiful Thanksgiving….I think it’s probably the only time of year that you can tell everyone to ‘get stuffed’ without being too offensive….

Monday, November 16, 2015

So, today is Monday 'n the sun is shining...

I know I talk a lot about politics but this nightmare in Paris isn’t something that I care to dwell on…it’s just too sad ’n there’s already too many people talking about it…’n watching Obama ’n his posse dance around the never-ending press conferences just adds to the insanity of it all...
So, today is Monday, the sun is shining ’n Millyrose is due back at the Olde Manor House on the morrow…I s’pect Willy ’n I had better clean up the mess we’ve made of things before she gets here...
I usually start the day off by putting two frozen biscuits in the toaster oven, set the timer for 22 minutes ’n wander off to other early morning chores…’n lately, I’ve been returning to the toaster oven, PLUGGING THE DARN THING IN ’n resetting the timer to the aforementioned 22 minutes…I find the biscuits not only bake a lot better in a hot oven , they taste better also…
So, as I stated earlier, it’s Monday and  a bright, sunshiny Monday at that, but there’s a cool north wind a-blowing…a more or less welcome return to what use’ta be considered  a ‘normal’ northern California winter...
In our ‘normal’ winter pattern, November would bring us a storm about every 7 to 10 days, a little rain on the valley, a little snow on the Sierra…by Christmas, not so much rain but instead that phenomenon known as ‘Tule Fog’…
I grew up in eastern Kentucky alongside the Ohio River so fog was not an unknown to me but the patchy fog of Kentucky, as dense as it could be, ain’t got a thing on the tule fog that can blanket the entire central valley of California…we’re talking a strip of fog filling the entire central valley…miles wide and 500 miles or thereabouts long…haven’t had so much of it the last few years but when I was hauling my tired butt up ’n down the 99 highway back in the ‘60s and ‘70s, we would look to convoy behind the CHP (who couldn’t see any better than the rest of us but he kept us at a slower, safer speed)…
The tule fog of California is how and why that famous reindeer, Rudolph, came into being, but that’s a story that’s been often told ’n you can fill in all the blanks your own self….
It’s been said often ’n by a lot of people that the only constant in this old world is change itself...but Willy, like most dogs, doesn’t really care much for change…With Willy, the S&P morning tour is mandatory...he waits patiently while I have breakfast ’n while I mess around taking a shower ’n stuff but he tends to get agitated when I start pulling on my boots…raring to go then and has a difficult time restraining his enthusiam…
It’s a coolish day for northern California tho’ the sun is shining…a pleasant day for a walk in the park, or in our case, Willy and me, walking doesn’t quite describe what we do…we stroll, we amble, we stop and ‘smell the roses’  although the roses are pretty much gone for the season, it's more of a dry leaves skittering but Willy is a dog and dogs never pay any attention to the odor of roses or skittering leaves, for that matter…more like the odor of other dogs or food or whatever it is that occupies the doggy mind but I’m pretty sure, fairly certain, that for dogs in general, life ain't about stopping to smell the roses...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Some days, a body could really use a fireplace...

I wuz all set to make fun of the Dimocrat debate ’n it would’a been laughable, I guess, if it hadn’t been overshadowed by the Islamic Terrorist attack in Paris…kind’a takes the edge off coming up with smart-ass remarks about Hillary…’Course, she doesn’t really need my help, she seems to have her own feet in her own mouth almost as often as Uncle Joe…
So, on to the weather…the weather is an important and time-consuming subject here in ‘way too sunny California where we’ve been living in a drought situation since the late ‘70s…But, finally we’ve been getting some rain ’n things are greening up ‘round the old Manor House ’n more importantly, we’ve been getting snow on the Sierra...
I wuz told that the rain ‘ud be here about 2 in the A.M. ’n that if I slept it, I’d prob’ly wake to clearing skies…tee vee is boring without Millyrose so I turned it off ’n read a book…a ‘real’ book with pages ’n ever’thing ’n still managed to get to bed before !!:00 P.M.
And woke up to the rain in the middle of the nite…s’alright, I tho’t, ’n I went back to sleep expecting…well, it don’t matter what I might have been expecting this morning but what I got is rain, a cold rain, a steady, monotonous and cold rain ’n it’s still raining…Ah well, according to the song, That’s life ’n you can’t deny it….’n I quote that becuz there’s a Sinatra wanna-be doing a version of that for a commercial…you’d think since I remember it, it’s prob’ly working as a commercial ‘cept for the life of me, I haven’t the foggiest idea what the commercial is for….Ah well, that’s life….I guess…Have a nice Sunday….

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Marco Rubio told the world that ‘welders earn more than philosphers.

…some of the liberal pundits were incensed at that statement but that is only becuz they haven’t a clue as to what actually defines a philospher…
Anyway, you hardly ever see a help wanted ad for philosphers ’n if you did, it ‘ud undoubtedly be a minimum wage job  which, if you’re inclined to such a position, I’m sure you’d be able to work out a rationale….sort’a like when you’re a boy ’n you seriously want to grow up to be a fisherman/philospher like Uncle Louie…
Uncle Louie wuz a philospher/fisherman who took a small nip now ’n then from a metal flask that he kept in his tackle box…he almost never caught any fish, he hardly ever dipped a line in the water and I never even knew a time when he actually took his boat to the river…he had a really great boat that set on blocks in front of the house…I think his rationale wuz that if he wuz to put the boat in the water, it ‘ud  require cleaning when he took it out…same rationale for his fishing gear…if he’d used it, he wuz gonna have to clean it so keeping it in the tackle box in the workshop seemed to work pretty well for him…
‘Course, that was just Uncle Louie philosphizing…Come to think on it, I never knew Uncle Louie to do any ‘real’ stuff at all, he mostly spent his time in his workshop tinkering and philosphizing ’n it seemed to work for him…I s’pect if he’d wanted any welding done, he wud have paid for it but I never knew him to make a dime philosphizing…don’t believe he gave that a lot of thought...
Now if those libeal pundits had simply known Uncle Louie, they wudn’t have made such a simple mistake becuz it’s pretty darn obvious that welding or most any similar job wud just have to pay more than philosphizing…even tho’ actual work doesn’t have quite the same cachet ’n you all know how important cachet is when it comes to living a satisfying life...
Evidently, those pundits think that a ‘philospher’ is someone who studied philosphy at an institution of ‘higher’ learning and got a degree that calls them a philospher.  Sort of like the Liberal Arts degrees that are so popular today…
I spoke with a young lady not too long ago who wuz majoring in ‘Black Studies’…I wuz a little surprised becuz in the first place, she wudn’t black or even African American altho’ when I think about it, I don’t suppose that’ud be a necessary requirement…
Way back in the middle of the last century, Black Studies wud have been the equivalent of ‘Underwater Basket Weaving’…which is what we simple folk in days of yore wud have called a degree in philosphy.  
You wudn’t gonna find those jobs in any Help Wanted section of the newspapers of that day…’course, I don’t think students of today search the ‘Help Wanted’ ads with the fervency of the youth of yesteryear…I’m not even sure if such a thing as Help Wanted’ ads still exist…if they do, they’re ‘online’ and way beyond my simple skills…
Anyway, one doesn’t become ‘A Philospher’ by studying philosphy, one becomes a philospher by living…if you live long enuff that you begin to wonder what in the name of Hell is keeping you alive when friends ’n family are all dying around you, then by the grace of God and fortune, you’ve become a philospher…
And there ain’t a damn thing you c’n do about it!

Monday, November 9, 2015

November, the way it use’ta be….rainy ’n cold ’n snow on the mountain…
I keep checking the thermostat, seems like it’s just gotta be sumthin’ wrong, it’s too darn cold in the old manor house…Willy keeps lookin’ at me, “Let’s go outside ’n play…” is what I believe he might be thinking but every time we step out the door, he stands on the porch looking puzzled, then turns around and wants to go back inside…he’s a smart dog…
Mark Finan has been having a rare old time, pontificating about the possibility of a tornado in Elk Grove, anticipating its path, he’s been positively gleeful about it…
‘Course, Folsom Lake is still at only about 15% of normal so the drought is still with us ’n likely t’be for some time….be a hoot if we wuz to get 40 or 50 feet of snowpack the way it wuz in the olden daze…Course, that kind’a typifies California, boom or bust…that’s the way it’s been since the great Gold Rush of 1849…some of the wealthiest people in the whole darn US of A reside here in California…well, not here in Olde Faire Oakes prezackly tho’ we do got some of the near wealthy or almost near wealthy…Why, not too far from here, up around Folsom Lake, there’s a sort of haven for basketball players ’n suchlike…
There really wealthy live down in The Bay Area or some of the fancier enclaves tucked away in So Cal…But, we also got some of the nations poorest people with about half the population living on some sort of welfare…if we get a change of regime in Washington, D.C. and they pull the Obama money out of California, we could make Greece look like a European success story…
Anyhow, the winter that we haven’t been having for several years now seems to have returned so let's give a big collective HURRAH for El Nino!