Thursday, October 16, 2008

Faith, Hope 'n Charity......

...three broads from Pomona.

After the debate......
......which I don’t think changed many minds (if any) I took the dogs for their evening was later than normal ‘n with the reported Old Coyote lurking in the ‘hood, I took ‘em one at a time ‘n I carried a big flashlite ‘cuz it wuz dark....Dark don’t really faze dogs tho’....they’re just as curious whether they c’n see or not...’n who knows, maybe they’re like cats ‘n can see in the dark...Nah! Rusty has enuff trubble seein’ in the daylite....he always runs with his nose to the ground except somehow he manages t’see Neighbor Doug up to a block away...Doug was putting out his garbage (tomorrow being pickup day) ‘n Rusty had to stop ‘n say,,,well, whatever it is that he says ev’ry time he sees Neighbor Doug ‘n he always says it loudly....
I told Doug about the Old Coyote sighting ‘n his response was that there are a lot of houses ‘tween here ‘n the river ‘n it seemed unlikely that a coyote would come so far for a little cat food ‘n that he’d believe it when he saw it....On the proverbial other hand, it c’ud happen ‘cause you just never know what a wild critter’ll do...anyway, he said he’s grateful to the cat ladies for putting out the sumptious feast for the wild things ‘cause the family of skunks that had taken up residence in his back yard has moved to the basement of the garden shed at the Catholic Radio Station thank god for small favors.....Doug said he’d been talking to the cat ladies ‘n had been surprised to learn that they bought all the cat food themselves (he’d tho’t it was donated)...I said I’d never given it a thought one way or the other, I was just amazed that they would drive their round twice daily when they had to pay for their own gas.....Both of us said that we’d told the cat ladies that most of the food they put out was going to the skunks ‘n raccoons ‘n ‘possums rather than cats but it seems that none of ‘em believed us.....well, those involved in charitable work need tunnel vision, I, hope, ‘n charity...’n the greatest of these is.......
It’s four o’clock in the morning ‘n philosphy will help a body while away the hours.......

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