Friday, June 26, 2009

T’is an obscenity.....

The Ayatollah Khameni has called for the execution (murder) of Iranian citizens that had the temerity to speak out against an unjust rule. The President of Iran (at least in his own mind) has denied the Holocaust ever happened no matter how well documented was this tradgedy.
In the civilized world, religions that call for human sacrifice have disappeared. There is something inherently wrong with a religion that not only condones murder but actively encourages it. And after all, actions speak louder than words..
I keep hearing that Islam is a religion of peace but the actions of Muslims around the world give the lie to that statement.
It isn’t unusual for people to lie. It isn’t unusual for governments to lie. What blows me away is that it all seems t’be unnecessary....Our government tells us that we’re approaching bankruptcy ‘n most of us seem to believe that....except maybe our legislators act as tho’ they’re lying to us about that and there’s more’n enuff money to go around..well, to go around long as they get theirs why, of course, bankruptcy don’t count...
Placer County, f’r example laid off a bunch of people ‘n furloughed a bunch more ‘n saved sumthing like seven million dollars...They did such an outstanding job as a matter of fact, they slapped themselves on the back and gave the top seven administrators (y’know, folks who stand around with their hands in their pockets) a healthy five per cent raise......AND they don’t mind telling the world about shame migawd!

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