Monday, June 21, 2010

Pick a lane.....

One of the things that y’come to appreciate about freeway driving is that everyone is going the same direction ‘n when you have three lanes, y’can pretty much accomodate the get out of my way, I’m in a hurry drivers ‘n the 55 stays alive drivers along with the insecure ‘n ambivalent middle of the roaders....what tends to upset the proverbial apple cart (‘n who in God’s name remembers a time when we actually had apple carts) is the guy what can’t make up his mind which lane he (or she tho‘ most often it’s a he) prefers....almost always prompting Millyrose to state, “Pick a lane, any lane.”
Anyways, yestiday being Fathers Day ‘n all, Millyrose ‘n me picked ourselves up ‘n headed west into the afternoon sun towards the Peoples Repuclic of Davis where daughter Bean was hosting a bbq for dear old dad (me)....we stopped in Sac ‘n picked up the Care Bear ‘n drove right into the middle of what appeared to be a gigantic parking lot but in reality was the usual jam of traffic where freeways come t’gether in West Sac....
It never is as bad as it seems like it’s gonna be unless you’re the sort of driver that’s easily frustrated in which case you shouldn’t ought’a be playing in California traffic anyway...
It was a pleasant afternoon what with the Chico Wheat Beer ‘n dissecting To Kill a Mockingbird to figure out who the supporting players were ‘n why nobodys ever heard of some of ‘em since....Andrew grilled some great burgers stuffed with a multitude of spices (don’t even ask me what) ‘n The Bean outdid herself with gourmet potato salad ‘n rootbeer beans (you’ll have to ask her, but they were goooood) but the coup de grace was her scratch cherry pie coupled with ice cream....
Got home in time to walk the dogs before it got too dark for which they seemed extremely grateful...ah well, y’know, it’s really the small things that makes life such an intaresstin experience...

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