"Ever'one wants better, no one wants change!"
Apples ‘n oranges....
that’s how simple it is, that’s the crux of the matter....I have an orange tree ‘n my neighbor has an apple tree...we both have plum trees ‘n we both agree that the birds get far more benefit from the plums than either of us but that’s a whole ‘nother story...the problem with apples ‘n oranges is a simple one...conditions that cause my orange tree to flourish ain’t all that good for my neighbors apple tree ‘n visa versa...oranges don’t do all that well in a climate that’s kind to apples...
Out politicians are so focused on their own p’ticklar tree that they simply can’t see that their neighbor has a different tree ‘n all the rest of us are caught in the middle again..As Pogo once famously said, “We have met the enemy ‘n he is us.”....
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