Sunday, August 21, 2011

"When y'get old, you'll be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things that you did."

Well, he did it...took him a bit longer than they had planned but he did it 'n I'm suitably impressed...'course, he's a young man, only 40, I think, but swimming a hundred 'n eleven miles is a pretty good stunt....I was impressed with Diana Nyad who tried to swim from Cuba to Key West (she didn't make it but she gave it a darn good try)...frankly, I can't blame anyone who wants to get from Cuba to Key West but that's a whole 'nother story of a p'litical of these daze, the USA will normalize relations with Cuba (should'a done it a long time ago but nobody asked my opinion)....I think Cuba should have always been a protectorate of the USA 'stead of an adversary but politicians always have a hidden agenda...if the world was left to reg'lar folks, I expect we wouldn't have a lot of wars 'n such altho' it does seem that neighbors do tend to fight a lot the world over...I'm reminded of the old farmer that said he didn't want to own all the land, just the piece that adjoined his property....I suspect the world has been in conflict over that since Adam 'n Eve left Eden 'n took up homesteading...

"There are basically two types of people...those who do stuff 'n those who claim to have done stuff. There's a lot fewer of the first group."

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