Monday, April 1, 2013

Justin Other one of those daze after.....

Wicky Stickets 'n stuff 'n such….

It rained all night long, I think, the nite before Easter altho' I'm told I sumhow slept thru the thundr 'n lightening....anyway, 'bout 3 o'clock I got up 'n went outside 'n watched for awhile 'n all I saw was a quiet, steady downpour, one 'a those soaking kind'a rains that bring on those April flowers...
We got thru Easter dinner that lasted a couple two or three hours 'n ever'body seemed to have a good time 'n then early t'bed 'n early t'rise 'n da boyz eager to make the rounds...
A pleasant sunny day in the park with a handful of clouds…reminds me a little bit of east of the Mississippi which is neither here nor there on this day after the day that the world according to Google shall henceforth (never tho't I'd get a chance to use that in a sentence) be known as Cesar Chavez Day rather than the more mundane Christian holiday commonly called Easter which purports to celebrate the risen Christ...
Now, I've only been in this p'ticklar world a mere 75 years which means that I never had the chance to meet 'n greet with Jesus of Nazareth but once't upon a time I did have the pleasure of a meet 'n greet with Cesar Chavez…in a dusty, flyspeck of a town called Livingston, California…Cesar Chavez, as I recall, wuz a rather slight man, short of stature, polite 'n soft-spoken but with an air of palpable determination about him that I imagine he shared with other true believers like Mother Teresa 'n Gandhi 'n, yes, Jesus of Nazareth...
Livingston wuz 'n still is, I s'poze, a quiet little town with two major employers…Foster Farms specializing in chicken 'n Gallo Wines…if you lived in Livingston 'n didn't work for one or the other, chances are you didn't really work…I happened t'go thru Livingston one warm day when the UFW, spearheaded by Mr. Chavez, happened to meet head-on in a vineyard with a group of union-busters led by one Bobby Gallo…the results were sumwhat painful to view no matter whose side you happened to cheer for but that's a whole 'nother story…

"The fight is never about grapes or lettuce; it is always about people."  Cesar Chavez

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