Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer doldrums.......

Just so’s y’know, it was an absolutely Tony the Tiger GREAT party.....the 50th Anniversary bash that we just had.....the kidz did a mahvelous job ‘n seemed t’me that ev’ryone had a good time ‘n went away smiling ‘n you just can’t ask for a lot more than that....
Anyways now we got a quiet Sunday, well at least as quiet as two little dogs will allow when there are chickens ‘n squirrels ‘n birds ‘n strange cars that drive on their street....I tried t’watch Meet the Press ‘n as much as I like wats’isname Gregory, he ain’t no Tim Russert ‘n NBC is lookin’ more ‘n more like the leaning tower of warmed over pizza ‘n that’s just sad....
The vast wasteland seems t’be vaster than ever, at least for what used t’be the powerhouse networks, the Major Leagues so t’say.....I was reading some of the shows that are being cancelled ‘n most of ‘em were just to ho-hum to matter....I have a neighbor who watches old-style teevee, y’know antenna ‘n what comes free thru the air....he sez when the switch to digital actually happens ‘n he can’t watch teevee at all anymore, he doesn’t think he’ll really care....’n I can’t blame him except I watch a lot more television than I use’ta...’n most of what I watch is cable....that’s where the almost-good shows are ‘n thank heaven for TIVO ‘cuz what I do is record all the shows I think I want’a watch ‘n then delete them at a later date....
What we got is the ‘summer doldrums’ which basically translates to really boring teevee.....

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