Thursday, January 20, 2011

In the wee small hours o’ the morning.....again..

Can’t even blame it on the dog this time, s’all on my own head altho’ the P-dogger did get up ‘n folly me to the computer....not that he takes any real interest in the computer, y’know....he’s sacked out right behind my chair....dogs are lucky that way....just lay down ‘n go to sleep durn near anywheres.....’n, of course, use the whole world for their bathroom secure in the knowledge that their human is following along behind to pick up their the olden days, we didn’t do that....back in those olden, golden daze of yore all the dogs ran did little boys...’n as I recall, back in those olden, golden daze. little boys pretty much used the whole world as a bathroom we c’d sleep on the ground or concrete or up in a tree....I used to nap almost daily (at least in the summertime) perched in the branches of an old apple tree in our backyard...I would climb up there to hide from my brothers ‘n read....lessee...summer daze, a few slices of bread, some green onions from the garden ‘n a comfortable seat among the branches....well, that wuz before television, y’understand...television ‘n video games ‘n all those things that keep children rooted t’day ‘n cause all the clever people to spend their time trying to devise ways to ‘get the kids in shape’....
Back in those olden, golden daze after World War II, the country was busy.....people worked, they made things, they sold things, they wanted the money to buy things....sometimes it didn’t seem to matter what things they bought, they just wanted stuff that hadn’t been available before the least, it hadn’t been available to most working people....
Before the war, most working people didn’t have cars...they rode buses ‘n streetcars or they walked....’n they didn’t own homes...they rented or boarded....well, that was long ago ‘n working people ‘n their children didn’t have to worry about things like ‘getting in shape’.....
I hear a lot of the ‘liberal elitists’ complaining about America being a ‘consumer’ society as if that were a bad thing....’course, they all consume as much or more than anyone else....’n sumtimes I get a little tired of hearing about the ‘green revolution’....cuz near as I c’n figure out, it costs a lot of money to go green...I would love to have a bunch of solar panels on my roof so’s I wouldn’t have to pay SMUD but I can’t afford’s considerably cheaper for me to pay SMUD than to pay thousands to save hundreds....’n we had a nuclear powe plant a couple yea s ago....’member Rancho Seco ‘n all the money it saved us....oh wait a minnit...I think it costs sumthng like a million dollars a day to keep it shut down cuz it wuz ‘way too dangerous to keep operating....’n you don’t have to drive very far west of Sacramento before you see lots ‘n lots of windmills that provide cheap wind power....’cept they’re all turned off ‘cuz of all the environmental damage they do to wildlife....
Well, heckfire or Hell’s Bells as my old daddy use’ta say, t’is the wee hours of the morning ‘n I’m ranting ‘n raving for no good reason a’tall...

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