Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Apparrently, there is nuthin' that can't happen t'day."  Mark Twain

Cops on the street this a.m. ~ What it is, I think, is that we got ourselves a new realtor taking control of the foreclosedupon properties on our little street…'n they took it upon theirselves to lock some doors 'n gates on a place that has been scavenged so many times that there ain't nuthin' left to steal…'course, for many of those night-time shoppers, finding a locked door means there is sumthin' behind it that might be worth sumthin'….
Locked doors keep relatively honest people relatively honest but they present an almost irresistible lure for those among us who are, let's be frank here, less than honest…
As to how to keep empty houses from being scavenged…well, that ain't my purview, thank the good Lord but calling out an overworked deputy Sherriff after the fact is just tiresome….
Entrepreneurship is mostly viewed as a good thing but coins have two sides 'n when hard times are upon the land, sumtimes enpreneurship c'n take on a decidedly darker meaning when the have-nots decide they want some of what the have's have!
That said, work crews are progressing at minimal speed in the heart of the Village…little dots of brightly colored spray paint mainly signifying, I s'pect, that there really is a plan that is being followed….a stretch of new sidewalk, a paint crew (4 grown men) with a huge machine striping the intersection….
Ah well, Rusty 'n Willie don't give it a second tho't…they're anxious, straining at the leash as it were, t'get across the street 'n into the park where they'll sniff 'n pee, pee 'n sniff at all those old familiar places that they visit daily….life is sumtimes complicated for people but not so much for dogs….eat, sleep 'n use the world for a bathroom, it's that easy!

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