Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ol Scudder Moon......

I think President Obama cud testify that "it ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, it's what you know for sure that just ain't so." stolen from Mark Twain

There's a big ol Scudder moon t'nite….when I wuz a boy, at this time of year, there'd be bonfires on the ridgetops….not all of 'em, mind you, but from the ridge overlooking Beattyville, you could look out 'n see 'em scattered thru the hills…..well Heck, it wuz that time of year…y'know what I'm talking about…Hallowe'en with all the ghosts 'n goblins, the kind of chilly nights that saw the Banshee's fly 'n bonfires wuz a  necessary thing…'n a comforting thing too….'n you knew without ever chasing back thru the hills that wherever there wuz a bonfire, there wuz celebrants….
Times have changed, of course, as they are wont t'do….(I'm minded of that old aphorism that, 'the only thing constant is change')….nowadaze people celebrate Hallowe'en with lawn decorations 'n spooky parties…seems like ever'where you look, there's a Pumpkin Patch or a corn maze 'n Trick or Treating, that's a really big deal t'day…it's organized!  Modern people love to organize….they'll gather and/or march (or protest) for durn near anything…stores sell bags 'n bags of candies, mostly small candy bars that are made 'specially for trick or treating…when I wuz a boy, only the little kids went trick or treating 'n they only went to a few homes where more'n likely, they got a piece of home-made candy or fruit 'n not much of that…t'daze kids carry pillowcases 'n if they don't fill 'em up, they're disappointed…
The bigger kids went out but didn't ask for treats…they were out for…'n let's be kind 'n call it mischief….'n of course, for the even bigger kidz, it wuz just a time for boys 'n girls t'get together 'n hang out at night….anyway, it wuz a more innocent time altogether….
Usually, there'd be a Hallowe'en Dance at the high school where everyone showed up for various games 'n such….I doubt that there's many people that actually remember 'bobbing for apples' but that wuz a Hallowe'en staple…
T'day, mainly because of political correctness run amok, schools (if they celebrate it at all) call it a 'Harvest Dance' 'n carefully edit out any religious aspect….I got to say that I think that most people are genuinely tired of's a bore 'n only really boring people are really concerned with being politically correct anymore…..

"All generalizations are false, including this one."  Mark Twain

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