Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Twinkle, twinkle, little bat, how I wonder where you're at……"  L. Carroll

Belfry….a bell tower or steeple housing bells…
bats in the (or one's) belfry…from the olde French meaning just what you think it means…'cept, of course, I don't have a belfry…nor any tower atall…..I got an upstairs, more or less, sort of a converted attic really….three rooms 'n a bath (unfinished bath at that)….and evidently, a house guest of sorts….a squirrel(s) is my eddicated guess, who sounds as tho' he (or she, or they) may be remodeling….
Mostly, I tend to take a live 'n let live attitude to all God's critters…not a Buddhist, mind you, altho' I think that's a fairly noble attitude for them to take….s'long as it's them that's taking it, it's okay with me…if you recall, earlier this year I had a minor bone of contention with some pesky yellowjackets…I had left them alone until they got it in their minds that I wuz the trespasser 'n they attacked 'n stung me several times at which point, I took umbrage 'n proceeded to dispossess them….
Now, I don't spend a lot of time upstairs ( hardly ever) 'n pretty much adopted the live 'n let live attitude to my uninvited house guests but I'm a quiet man, a peaceful man….I enjoy the peace 'n quiet of my easy chair after a day spent pursuing the various 'n sundry things that come up in the course of the day 'n whatever the remodeling project that my guests were pursuing quickly became a source of exasperation necessitating drastic action involving poisonous pellets 'n peanut butter….
"Sentence first, verdict afterwards!"  L. Carroll

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