Thursday, July 3, 2008

And the rant goes on........

So, I wore my ‘Irish for McCain’ ball cap to the club....One guy gave me a thumbs up.....that was more’n I expected....But one guy, an emigre from eastern europe, launched into a tirade.....nobody likes America anymore....the south Koreans despise us, the Chinese think we’re naive children, the Japanese laugh at us behind our backs, the Germans and the French hate us....
and it’s all because George Bush invaded Iraq to steal the oil.....
And the rant goes on, the rant goes on.....
I tell you, I’m beginnin’ to feel almost sorry for Ol George......all those letters to the editor want to impeach him, hang him, draw & quarter him....he’s a liar, he’s a cheat, he’s a drunk and I don’t know what else but if there’s anything wrong anywhere in the world, it’s George’s fault....and Cheny helped him in ever’ thing he done.....
the price of oil is too high, it’s George’s fault...
if the rest of the world doesn’t love us, it’s George’s fault.....
if the Arabs bombed the World Trade Center and killed 3,000’s George’s fault.....
any act of terrorism in England or Spain is George’s fault....
Heck! or as my old man used to say, “Shoot fire!” ....if there’s an act of terrorism anywhere in the world, it’s George’s fault...
My old man didn’t usually say, “Shoot fire!” He normally said “Sh#t fire” and only cleaned it up for women and somebody’s else’s children......
the rant goes on, the rant goes on......
Dick Cheney is George’s evil conspirator and according to some, the puppet master....the evil genius behind the ‘illegal’ and ‘immoral’ war in Iraq. Cheney is BIG OIL’s man in the White House and the USA invaded Iraq at the behest of BIG OIL becuz Saddam Hussein wouldn’t give them access to Iraqui oil......
And the seemingly successful ‘Surge’ was always part of the secret plan to give Iraqi assets to BIG OIL!
There is no way the surge could have worked without the connivance of BIG OIL...
The reason the demonstrably superior American forces seemed to be losing in Iraq was to demoralize the American citizenry so that they would support drilling off the coast and in the Antartic National Reserve. All for BIG OIL...
the rant goes on, the rant goes on......
Everybody knows George Bush stole the Presidency from Al Gore in 2000. Al Gore was our rightful President and we would never have become involved in Iraq or Afghanistan. Al Quaida would never have bombed the World Trade Center and the world would have loved and respected us the way God always intended...
And the libs keep poundin’ a rhythmn to the brain.....
George is responsible for the loss of homes and life in the Katrina debacle.....
Pity all those poor folk in Burma....oops, Myanmar....George only pretended that he was gonna help them.....
And the earthquake in China....George should boycott the Olympics.....
He came to look at the floods in Iowa but he didn’t do anything......
And he hasn’t been to see the fires in California.....p’haps he has no marshmallows.....
History has turned the page, uh huh
Obama is our newborn king, uh huh

George Bush is Cheney’s puppet,
and McCain is Bush’s puppet so that George can have a third term......I don’t know who McCain’s puppet is gonna be.......
And the rant goes on, the rant goes on.
Bums still cry, “Hey buddy, have you got a dime?”
La de da de dee, la de da de da.........

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