Sunday, July 27, 2008


all over the place..... how I found myself wandering around a dark house in the middle of a long night......I seem to recall too many moments in my salad days where I spent far too much effort, time & hard to come by money seeking to reach a similar conclusion with the aid of artificial substances......ahhh, those youthful excesses.....not at all sure how my friends and I survived an age of txt msg shorthand, WWWWW or, more simply 5W...(Wonder Where We Went Wrong)...
I didn’t say I was good at txt msg’ng, or even understood it, for that matter....I’m not sure I’ve ever even responded to a txt msg altho’ I’m pretty sure that I rec’d one, once upon a time.....or not. Used to do some of that shorthand stuff in e-mails but don’t do much of them a matter of fact, most e-mails t’day seem to consist of forwarded stuff....sumthing tickles your fancy ‘n you send it out to whichever friends you think will enjoy it.....ain’t knockin’ it, y’understand, guilty of it myownself.....sumtimes, it’s just to let someone know that you’re thinking of them....sumtimes, it’s just easier to hit a button that fwds to every address in your book...
Anyhow, when you’re tired and can’t sleep and one more game of Solitaire just might put you over the edge for all eternity, when the discombobulation has affected all your motor skills with the exception of your left foot and your big toe is becoming almost a good enuff typist to have a movie made of it......lights appear in the driveway, the thump of the morning paper hitting the porch makes you suddenly aware of the sullen ache between your shoulder blades and you realize that you need to jump back in bed becuz you only have a few minutes to sleep before the dogs force you out of your cocoon.....anyway, if you didn’t know the meaning of discombobulate before, you certainly do now.....that is, supposing you’ve been able to actually read all the way thru this verbal garbage.....g’nite or g’morning to you.

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