Tuesday, July 22, 2008

That's Life.....

I’m tired but I can’t sleep....I blame it on the lack of a snack.....I told the Diabetic nurse that I would skip the bedtime snack for a week.....God knows, it’s easy to be blithe about skipping a bedtime snack in the morning, after breakfast, when you ain't hungry....the ubiquitous ‘they’ say, “Never go shopping on an empty stomach ‘cuz you’ll buy more food than you really need.” ‘Course, the opposite holds true also....if you go grocery shopping after you’ve had a good meal, you won’t be interested in food so you’ll buy less. Probably so much less that you’ll have to go shopping again before you really want to.....ah well, that’s Life. What’s Life? A magazine. How much does it cost? Two bits. I haven’t got two bits. That’s life. Just shows to go you how old I am that in my youth, you could buy a magazine for a quarter. Tho’ to be fair, I didn’t buy magazines. Not when you c’d get a comic book for a dime. If you had a dime, which I seldom did.....ah well, that’s life.
Life magazine was a big deal when I was a boy. So was Look, Saturday Evening Post, and a host of others. Grit was a weekly newspaper that I p’ticularly liked. It had a little bit of everything in in.....news items, short stories, serialized novels, and comics....for all I know, it may still be published somewhere. I’ll have to google it ‘n find out.
Newspapers were pretty good back in those days...You got the quick-flash news over the radio but you had to wait for the paper to get the full story. Kids delivered the paper. They didn’t get paid much for the job, a few cents per paper, and if someone didn’t pay their bill, the kid had to make it up. The newspaper always got their money. Still, it was a pretty good job for a kid and highly prized.
In those days, newspapers were pretty well respected and were very jealous of their reputation. Not so much today.....Most newspapers are conglomerates and they print pretty much what they’re told to print.....and it don’t really make any difference what side of the spectrum they represent, the sad truth is they’ve lost so much credibility that you can’t trust any of them to report ‘real’ news anymore.
Sadly, the same appears to be true for the major television networks. Anchors are paid so much and are so vulnerable becuz of all that money, that none of them dare stand up to their bosses and present all the facts of some of their stories and let their viewers judge for themselves.
It must be difficult for a newsperson to work for a lifetime to achieve a reputation for fair, unbiased reporting of ‘just the facts’ and find themself at the zenith of their career only to find that they have become
a ‘spin’ doctor reciting their 'Polly want a cracker' speeches. Anyway, enuff is enuff, saieth the sooth. Pray move on....
And so, Tom and Brian, and Katie and Chuck.....”what doth it profit a man to gain the world.......”

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