Friday, January 8, 2010

More weather nooze.....

or snooze, if ya prefer......
I'm tired of the fog....'course, it don't take a whole lot of fog to get tired of it....a few weeks'll pretty much do it for most ev'ryone..
anyways the weather guys(all of 'em) keep saying as how all's we need is some rain to wash the fog away but they all agree we ain't gonna get any rain for another week or so.....that said...Willie wanted to go for a walk 'n of course Rusty wanted to go too, also, as I dons me fleece vest 'n me weatherproof hat 'n off we go....."A little damp" I mused, as we stepped off the porch, "but it's just that low-hanging fog. Virga!" Except as we walked out from under the live oak tree that covers the front of the driveway, I got hit in the face by....wait for it.....rain. Unmistakeably rain. Wet rain. 'N the street was covered by raindrops 'n very quickly developed that black sheen that signifies to all but the most clueless that "Baby, it's wet outside!" I disappointed the dogs berry, berry much, thank you 'n returned to the house to post this update.....also to make another pot of coffee 'n commiserate with brother John who lives in Kansas where it's cold 'n snowy....poor boy!

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