Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sunhine 'n oranges

Ahhhh....Sum dayz, ya just gotta love California....sunshine, blue skies 'n walkin' da boyz down a perfectly quiet little street.... unlike Florida, my oranges didn't freeze so I c'n pick breakfast right off the tree....'course, I'm overlooking the fact that right over the hill (within earshot) is a line of bumper t' bumper traffic at ten o'clock in the AM....makes you wonder what in the world all those people do for a living....the traffic is even worse during the prime commute hours....then it's bumper t' bumper 'n stop 'n go...unemployment is outrageous, 'most of the state workers have taken severe pay cuts, gas just keeps going up in price, stores that were open yesterday will be closed tomorrow 'n still the cars keep moving back 'n forth....(in the streets, the women come and go, talking of Michaelangelo...) Still, remembering that yesterday is gone, tomorrow is just a promise 'n all we have is today, things could be worse....I told my buddy Vic to cheer up, things could be worse 'n he cheered up 'n sure enuff, things got worse...
'course, according to Vic that's the way his life has gone since's a wonder he managed to live so long....
ah well, the fricken chickens are crowing 'n clucking, the squirrels are chasing each other up 'n down 'n 'round 'n 'round, the sun is shining 'n my dogs think the worlds belongs to them.....'n they may be right!

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