Friday, February 12, 2010

Words I never tho’t I’d hear:

Knowledge is the universal key that opens all doors.

“It’s called getting old!” Dr. M. Reyes

and it definitely ain’t for wusses....Anon!

There’s an old saying that goes, “Good things come to he that waits.”....’n you might think that means that old age, that age some young person once upon a time termed, the ‘golden age’, is a good thing....As George Gershwin once famously wrote, “It ain’t necessarily so!” ‘Course, another songwriter, Sammy Cahn (I think) wrote that “love, like youth, is wasted on the young”....then, of course, Alan Lerner wrote, “I’m glad I’m not young anymore” a song that the famed Parisian boulvardier Maurice Chevalier said was the “dumbest lyrics I’ve ever sang” a difference of opinion, but that’s allowed here in the good ole US of A.... also in France where a difference of opinion is a way of life...
So, what we got here is some people thinking that the purpose of living life is to take care or yourself so that you can live as long as possible ‘n other people...well, other people don’t seem to think that much about it all but then, those other people (not us, of course) don’t seem to spend a lot of time thinking...
Y’know, those ‘other people’ have become a fav’rit target here in Canaan-land....fortunately for the rest of us, they’re all a bunch of loser wimps....whether they’re tea-party rubes or suede shoe (psuedo) left-wing indeological idiots, it seems that we can’t get along without ‘ least, the pundits can’t....’n speaking of pundits, one global-warming, northern exposure, frozen-brained talking head cited the recent blizzards that finally (thank Gawd) shut down the federal gov’t, albeit temporarily but any respite is good, as proof that global warming is ‘pon us.....Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, I was on the losing end of an argument with Millyrose when she opened an encyclopedia ‘n read what to her was absolute proof of my error....(she has periodically quoted my reply t’me for over 50 years now) sanguine reply was, “Do you believe ev’rything you read?”
Well, it seems that the fanatics at either end of the p’litical spectrum believe ev’rything they read when it agrees with ‘em ‘n denies ev’rything when it don’t.....’n g’nite, Missus Calabash, wherever you are.......

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