Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ROF 'n the constraints of time.....

In the ongoing saga of ‘stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive....’ an endeavor that provides an answer to the age-old question so often asked of Retired Old Farts (ROF) “What d’ya do with all that time now that you ain’t working?”
One: There are many answers depending on the time of day, how much (or how little) coffee has been consumed, the latest p’litical nooze out of DC, the latest p’litical nooze out of Sacramento, whether or not you’ve seen the g’children lately, whether the weather is too hot or too cold ‘n a whole lot of other factors including the state of one’s health.....Now as you might imagine, ‘n p’tickly if you’ve ever seen a sit-com where all people over the age of 40-something (not including the ‘starz’ of course who are very careful t’keep their true age secret in the (vain) hope that we (the viewers) won’t really notice that they’re getting much too long in the tooth to continue playing (gasp) twenty-somethings)....getting back, anyone in a sit-com who is over the age of 40-something or is portraying someone over the age of...well, y’know what I mean....’n the writers all write the same lines for them... all about their aches ‘n pains, their medications, their operations, how they plan their dinner dates in the early afternoon so they won’t miss Jeopardy ‘n the really big one....THEIR OPERATIONS!
Which just shows t’go you that art imitates life imitating art ad infinitum, ad nauseum....
Which is prob’ly a good thing for the nations highways ‘n byways cuz you can’t go gollylagging all over the country when you got Dr. appointments.....well, that ‘n the high cost of diesel....’n the hundred ‘n forty bucks an hour the RV shops charge for labor rates....but mostly it’s the time frame inbetween doctor appointments that don’t leave enuff time to gallivant ‘n gallivanting ain’t nearly as much fun if you’re under time constraints.....
So, what it is, is that I had an appt with the eye doc t’day....well, one of my eye docs....’n it seems that if you live long enuff, you’re gonna get cataracts ‘n I got some...
‘n the one that’s been lurking in the right eye was evidently emboldened by the steroid shot that I had in that p’ticklar eye a couple months ago ‘n went ‘n got all buffed up ‘til it’s reached the point that I have t’do something about it....so ‘round ‘n about the end of August, I’m gonna have it excised...it’s an out-patient thing, sort of a here a snip, there a snip, go home ‘n take a nap for a couple days...come t’think of it, that’s right up my alley anyway.....

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