Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Remind me to tell you some day......

“There y’go again.” Ronald Reagan

Quoting m’daughter who was quoting someone else, I’m sure...”The ability to quote is a good substitute for wit.”
That said, I wuz thinkin’ agin, mainly cuz I can’t get to sleep, about all the quotes I’ve used over the years....I try always to identify who or where I’m quoting from but I don’t always remember (Been known to sumtimes think I made it up m’self)....t’nite I wuz reminded that an awful lot of the quotes come from the Bible....I spect in the Jewish world, a lot of quotes come from the Talmud ‘n in the Islamic world, when they c’n get past the Allahu Akbar nonsense, they prob’ly quote a lot from the Koran (or Quran or whatever else they might be calling it)....
Also, y’get a lot of quotes from Shakespeare albeit sumtimes unknowinly....I still remember seeing a Shakespeare play as a teenager (a movie of one of his plays ackshully) ‘n being surprised that so much of the dialogue was familiar t’me just from daily speech... not all that surprising when y’consider that the lowly ‘n disdained hillbilly jargon that the elititist show bizness people made so much fun of wuz basically the language of Shakespeare ‘n hillbillies prob’ly wouldn’t have had any trouble understanding the actors at the original Globe Theatre of Shakespeares time.....(I’m just sayin....”)
Anyways, if I can’t identify something as having come from the Bible or Bill Shakespeare, I find that it usually came from Mark Twain or Will Rogers (both of whom, I believe, were voracious readers ‘n inclined t’take credit for whatever issued from their mouths)....
I began this little discourse with a quote from Ronald Reagan who was famous for quoting old movie lines, so much so, in fact, that he sometimes confused old movie plots with real life but, what the heck, somebody once famously said, “Art imitates life imitating art.”....or vice versa.....
Obama who is famous for being a great orator (altho’ I for one don’t see it) has yet to say anything memorable, other than ‘hope ‘n change’ that is ‘n Sarah Palin made that line more memorable than Obama....y’know, for a great orator, he sure has trouble explaining himself to reg’lar folk....which reminds me of an old movie wherein that great character actor, Walter Slezak, said, “Why should the little people have to think for themselves when they have great minds to think for them?”
I dunno, I’m just sayin......

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