Saturday, July 31, 2010

Reiteration is funny, it c'n make a cloudy day sunny....

In a blog titled 'Falling Chips' I stated that Obamas presidency was causing some folk to pine for the 'good old days of George Bush'....and I got a comment asking if I really, really missed the 'Village Idiot'...sooooo, I reiterate....
Obama has done so well as prez that he makes George W. Bush look good. And, yeah, I really, really said that.
Thinking people did point out to anyone that was capable of hearing that Obama was seriously lacking in experience, even less than Sarah Palin that so many in the media lambasted mercilessly. It's too bad that those members of the 'liberal' media couldn't have brought some of that attention to bear on Barack Obama.
George Bush will, I'm sure, go down in history as a mediocre president whose major claim to fame was that 9/11 happened during his tenure. On the other hand, Barack Obama will go down, not only as our first 'Black' president but, as the most divisive president in our nations history.
Of course, if Obama and/or 'his' liberal media get to reconstruct history as is their wont, his failed presidency will be George Bush's fault.

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