“I never tho’t I’d live this long. Clean livin’ ‘n dirty tho’ts prob’ly did it. I don’t believe in adhering to any rules I don’t support ‘n I didn’t vote for. To hell with what people think. Just be who you are ‘n you’ll be happy.” Willie Nelson
Ambivalence in humanity is a normal response to most non-threatening situations that do not require fight or flight; whereas extremism in thought and action in all but extreme situations is illogical.
The logical response when faced with a problem, ie, a non-life threatening situation, is to weigh the pros and cons, make a reasoned assessment and deal with it to the best of your ability.
The non-logical response, either attack and destroy or take to your heels and run away is therefore, by extension, abnormal.
So take heart all you ambivalent fence-sitters; whiling away a lazy afternoon pondering both sides of the fence is a perfectly normal avocation. Of course, should it rain, it’s logical that you should seek shelter. Therein lies the question; should one be conservative and head for the nearest shelter or broaden one’s horizon and search for a more comprehensive umbrella?
Huddling by oneself ‘neath a bush or tree might be enough if t’is but a Spring shower but suppose one is faced with an epic storm. That might require a sturdy shelter and like-minded folk with which to share.
Life is full of such decisions. To go it alone or travel with the herd? To gain it all or settle for a piece of the pie? Not easy questions but ones that we are faced with each and every day and if we don’t choose then the choice will be made for us.
“Where I’m going, I don’t know. When I’ll get there, it won’t matter. All I know is I am on my way.......” Lee Marvin in Paint your wagon.
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