“Nostalgia ain’t quite what it use’ta be.....”
Once’t upon a time in the not so way long ago, Millyrose ‘n I camped beside the Snake River in Wyoming....it was springtime in the Tetons ‘n the river rushed past the little cabin in a muted twentyfour hour a day roar much like the traffic noise from Sunrise Blvd only without the odd siren or screeching brakes....I only mention that becuz t’day as me ‘n Rusty ‘n Willie made our way down this quiet little backwater street, there was only the traffic sounds of Sunrise Blvd to remind me that Ol Fair Oaks Village is pretty much a lost island of yesterday surrounded by present-day Sacramento....I keep da boyz on leash becuz it’s the law ‘n becuz Willie has bouts of temporary deafness when he becomes focused on sumthing of great importance (cats, chickens, squirrels, leaves, bicyclists, etc)....we still stroll down the middle of the thoroughfare of Crestline Avenue as tho’ we were wand’ring the deserted hills of Avalon...not a lot of traffic on Crestline, thank Gawd, altho’ in the early daze of our life here, Herfy, the lab-shepard mix that accompanied us at the time use’ta sleep in the middle of the street...there were no leash laws in effect at that time ‘n dogs roamed freely around the Village...
‘course, we didn’t have the chickens then, that being before the time of Hugh Gorman...well, there wuz a handful of Banty’s but they didn’t wander too awful far from their home territory...ah, those idyllic daze of yore....
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