“Ever’one wants better. No one wants change.”
‘Stoner Hill’
Once’t upon a time, way back when my mem’ries wuz just beginnin’ to form, I lived with my parents in a brick house on the side of a hill...Stoner Hill, it wuz called at that time...it has since been taken away on the tide of what people like to call progress but that’s another story...
I think it prob’ly got it’s name from a family named Stoner ‘cuz it seems that’s how most place names come about but I don’t really know ‘n it don’t really matter anyhow....
In t’days parlance, stoner has taken on a whole new meaning...it commonly refers to a person who has used so much marijuana that their brain has seemingly shifted to an alternate universe....
All that said, I inhabit an old house on the side of a hill...not so large a hill as those of my Kentucky childhood but a hill nonetheless....’n not beside a road...No, it’s a quiet little street only two blocks long ‘n one of those blocks is mainly an alley with no houses...the street is called ‘Crestline’...it’s been called Crestline for some period of time now but since the neighboring once upon a time home has been sold to the family that owns Fair Oaks Auto Sales ‘n since they seem anxious to recover some of the monies they’ve had to lay out in the rehabilitation of the old house they bought, it seems they’ve rented a building on that property to a supplier of Medical Marijuana....
There are a lot of stoners ‘n liberal progressives in California that think that the legalization of marijuana is a good idea...why the taxes alone can save this once great state from bankruptcy...don’t much matter that this p’ticklar pipedream wuz born in the mind of a stoner....
Ah well, my life seems t’be coming full circle whether I like it or not....maybe I should ask the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce to change the name of Crestline Avenue to Stoner Hill!
T’is an old Irish proverb told t’me by an old Irishman, “Forgive your enemy but remember the bastards name.”
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