“Being in politics is an awful like being a football coach...you have t’be smart enuff to understand the game ‘n dumb enuff to think it’s important.”
Well, I watched the GOP debate...at least, I watched most of it...I tho’t Brian Williams showed some pretty good sense for a change as mostly he kept his mouth shut ‘n let the fellow next to him ask the really dumb questions.....Y’just gotta wonder where some of them noozepersons come up with their questions...must be a school of dumb questions somewhere that I ain’t heard about...I watch the nooze ‘n I know that there’s a whole lot of big problems in this country ‘n around the world that gets reported on every nooze show there is...’n more’n that, the internet is spilling over with nooze reports from ever’body ‘n their brother that c’n tweet or toot or type a message...I know that people that call themselves ‘professional reporters’ are aware of what’s happening here ‘n there ‘n you’d think that just for the sake of argument that one of them ‘ud ask this lineup of presidential hopefuls what they tho’t about the world economy ‘n how it affects the USA ‘n about the various ‘n sundry wars that we’re involved in ‘n how the hell we’re gonna get ourselves out of them....Now the hope is that one of these contenders (or someone f’r Gawds sake) will replace Obama who, no matter what some of my diehard liberal friends think, has been the most divisive president of our time ‘n needs to go,,,,’n I don’t really care where he goes s’long as he goes...
So, I was reading some of the comments about the debate ‘n I got to wond’ring if these nooze people had been watching the same debate that I saw ‘n it reminded me of a long ‘n funny story told by Andy Griffith back in my Once’t upon a time daze.....
“I think it was that it’s some kindly of a contest where they see which bunchful of them men can take that pumpkin and run from one end of that cow pasture to the other without gettin’ knocked down or steppin’ in somethin’...” Andy Griffith
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