"Making things complicated is simple.
Making things simple is complicated."
As a general rule, I don’t talk much about religion...I don’t mind talking about politics even tho’ some people get downright hostile...’course most people are so caught up in their own p’ticklar p’litical web that as passionate as some of ‘em get, they don’t really hear what you say if it’s sumthin’ they disagree with..it’s a most cur’ous thing that it’s common only to the true extremists no matter which direction they lean....
That said, t’other day on the telly....well, a week or so ago ackshully, some woman at a p’litical rally in New Hampshire or sum such wuz eggin’ her child to ask questions of Rick Perry....I ‘spect her intent wuz merely to embarass the man but, that’s what politics is all about a good part of the time...anyways, she had the kid ask about evolution versus creation...Now, Govenor Perry deflected as politicians are wont to do ‘n gave a non-answer answer which didn’t satisfy her one darn bit ‘n as the Governor wuz moving away, she wuz urging her child to ask if Perry believed in science....
Now, I find it amusing that people who most often deride ‘faith based’ religions are the very ones preaching that everyone should believe science because science is based in fact...in other words, we should accept on faith that science is absolute.
I s’poze it’s absolutely oxymoronic that science itself preaches that we should never accept any absolute on faith alone but that evidently excludes the part about evolution being a ‘theory’....ah well, I guess I’m just a nit-picker at heart...
Anyway, as religions go, science is perhaps the most popular in our secularist society today. But those who worship at the altar of science worship a false god ‘n those who believe that science has all the answers inhabit a fools paradise ‘n are, I’m afraid, bound t’be disappointed...
prob’ly have to spend eternity listening to that Peggy Lee recording of “Is that all there is?”....
To be fair, science has almost as many prophets as any bible from Galileo to Hawkins but their basic tool is human reason, which is at best a most incompetent judge of truth...
Fortunately for the human race, God doesn’t need any of us to defend Him against science. God simply doesn’t need to be defended at all.
"The human race has only one really effect weapon 'n that is laughter." Mark Twain
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